To Do List

Created Time: January 3, 2022 10:49 PM Database: Inbox Database Last Edited Time: January 29, 2022 9:58 PM

  • Buy large ice cube maker for the freezer. Large ice takes longer to melt and is free

  • Get a container to bring water to my room. I need to drink more water each day

  • Buy razer tooth for shaving. I haven’t had new ones in a while

  • Buy USB hub for computer and maybe wireless mouse and keyboard to make everything on the table clean. Use the adapters I change a lot in the hub that’s reachable.

    • Laptop stand next to monitor to use it as second monitor
  • Buy plug spliter or រលោ to have more slots to use electricity in my room

  • Buy more USB bricks to be able to charge more than one thing at once

  • Change the Realism page to only include the most important and basic assumptions of Realism that applies to all branches of realism

  • In the branches of realism page, don’t mention any basic realism assumptions, only how it’s different from realism

    “Have the basic assumptions of [Realism], but differs in ______