Health of Mexico 1

  • Mexico spent between 2.5 and 2.9 percent of its GDP on health from 2010 to 2021

  • Infrastructure: In 2019 Mexico had 22,831 public health care units

    • including 4,629 hospitals
      • of which 194 were highly specialized medical centers
      • 3,114 accredited private hospitals.
    • Only about 100 private hospitals had more than 50 beds and the capacity to offer highly specialized services.
    • Recently its underfunded especially during COVID-19
  • Mexico has an employment-based healthcare system

    • Private Workers seved by the Mexican Institute of Social Security
    • Public workers served by Institute of Social Security for Pubic Empoyees
    • Unempoyed and informa workers served by Popuar Insurance program by the Secretariat of heath



  1. Mexico - Healthcare Products & Services (