Note Taking Basics - Fiction and Novels | R.C. Waldun

Created Time: September 20, 2021 6:13 AM Database: Evergreen Database Last Edited Time: September 20, 2021 6:27 AM Tags:#Video Type: Literature Notes URL:

Summary of main points

  1. Read novels the first time taking as little notes as possible.
  2. Second Time reading a novel analyze the whole book for the details with the full knowledge of the story.

Highlights and Notes

Experience based learning

Novels are created to give you an experience

  • Fictional characters end up giving you a moral of the story or take away (simplest way a story can teach you)
  1. You finish the book first for the experience
    • The first experience should be done without the worry of notetaking without the full picture
  2. then going back to do a logical analysis