DNEAE-C2: Aspects of Diplomatic Negotiation

Class: IS404 Created Time: October 26, 2021 2:09 PM Database: Class Notes Database Last Edited Time: October 26, 2021 3:06 PM Type: Presentation Notes


  • Diplomatic negotiation has less power than international negotiation
  • Diplomatic Negotiation
    • Used in public sector between state & individuals
  • Chapter about origins of establishment of IS

The Development of Diplomatic Negotiation

  • Everything has been invented, they’re only shaped to fit the current context throughout history
  • 3000 BCE: Ancient Near East had friendly relations with diplomatic negotiations, communications, gift giving ceremonies, and marriages arrangements.
  • 1960s BCE: peace negotiations between Mari and Hammurabi over the possession of Hit
    1. Draft Text of peace Treaty: written by a king
      • to offers Trade and concerns over one another’s wants and needs
        • Familiar procedures and ploys Arguments about morality, legitimacy, love, family piety, vanity, interest, the law and treaty obligations
        • Intelligence on military and diplomatic matters
        • Soothsayers and prophets playing important role in decisio: making process
        • Exchange of princesses, gifts, physicians and sacred idols
        • Issues of finance, trade, stability and survival of the regime, prestige, interest, the defense of the realm and imperial expansion
        • communications, gift giving ceremonies, and marriages arrangements.
    2. Exchange Drafts of Treaty: tablet messages sending
    3. Third-Party
  • Late 10th Century BCE: convention and tactics of diplomatic negotiation has been shaped and honed into a standard
  • 3000 Years Later: The procedures and substance of negotiation has evolved, but there are still family resemblances left in relations

💡 Why study historical cases of Negotiation?

  • to understand the invariant structural features of negotiation as a wide view
  • to understand how negotiation evolved and how it came to be how it is today. Similar to study of biology.
  • concepts of diplomacy and international relations isn’t always reinvented, its built upon from historical development of these processes
  • historical development can be drawn on for more context than just looking at present time or recent past

The Problems of Establishing Outcomes

  • Outcomes of negotation has hard to predict

    • because mistrust happens in mutual relations
    • because negotiators (Envoy) has been killed many times
  • Killing envoy is a show of power

    💡 Ex: Shah of Chwarezm (Persian) killing representation of Mongolian ruler Genghis Khan

  • In order to gain trust, state/monarchy must exchange hostages

  • Arranges marriage of children to form alliances (Ex: Emporer of Byzantiyum and Daughter of Khagan)

    • Violence can still happen

Establishment of Diplomatic Network and Advance of Weapons Technology

  • Diplomatic Networks maintain friendly relations
    • 17th century: bilateral negotiation of two parties in a pre-arranged area (not multilateral yet)
    • Problem: can be a contest of power instead of negotiating
      • To avoid this every representative is treated the same way and on the same level seating
    • 19th century: multilateral negotiation to overlook international power structure
    • 20th century: Court of Arbitration (Hague Peace conference), League of Nations, UN
  • Weapons Technology causes deterence from another state attacking

Changes Over the Centuries

  • Internationla negotiation has only changed in its bargaining process from the past till now
  1. Improved Technology:
    • makes greater weapons that causes deterence
    • technology is a tool to shape organizations with easier access to information
  2. Regime: rules and negotatiions to control parties that don’t comply (sanctions)
    • to establish durable and ongoing states relations
    • to buid greater trust while forgeting about past grievences
  3. Trust: secrecy between states lessened trust in the past
    • Modern thinking of Openness is effective in speeding up negotiating process
    • Problem: too transparency could be bad
  4. Power: power is better distributed in today’s world
    • Distribution of power is better because the creation and usage of IGOs

Charactersitics of Diplomatic Negotiation

  • Hans Morgenthau: Diplomacy is the best means of preserving peace that a society of sovereign states has to offer
  • Zartman: negotiators seek to prduce a formula for agreement on the resolutin of a problem wheereby the principle of justice
  • Henry Kissinger:

Christer Jonsson & Karin Aggestam

Diplomacy functions

  • The content of foreign affairs as a whole.
  • The conduct of foreign policy.
  • The management of international relations by negotiation
  • The use of diplomats in a diplomatic service
  • The adjective ‘diplomatic’, often refers to the manner in which relations are conducted

Confict of Interest and Power Relationship

  • States can have contact in 3 different ways
    • If their interest completely overlap: they must sit down and discuss how business should be conducted on mutual interest with common strategy.
      • no conflict of interest
      • some countries might become diametrically opposed:
  • If states have opposing interest…

Position of a State

  • Position of a state is determined by internace differences of interest and opinion and external dependences
    • Destabalize the country
  • Ways to influence the Balance of Power
    • Obtain the most information about one’s own position, other’s position and potentially involved parties
    • Coalition-Forming: are easier to form in multilateral situation for less powerful states to have a voice against a more powerful state than bilateral negotiation
    • Use of Force: when negotiation isn’t an option anymore. And its getting much more difficult to use force with the world’s interdependence
      • Mosquito Power: extremist, terrorists, and non-state try to weaken big powers such as states

Inter-state Negotiation

  • When common interest > Differences
    • Open negotiation: to find solution to mutual probems
    • Negotiation can only be reached when btoh parties recognize each other’s interests
  • When common interests < Differences
    • Competitive negotiation

The Diplomat and Negotiation behavior