Lecture: Level of Analysis

Class: IS401 Created Time: November 14, 2021 2:02 PM Database: Class Notes Database Last Edited Time: November 25, 2021 9:14 PM Provided Materials: 1-Foreign_Policy_Analysis_and_Theoretical_Approaches.pdf, Levels_of_Analysis.pdf Type: Presentation Notes

Level of Analysis

  • What is level of analysis?
  • How many general levels are there?

Individual Level

  • In the FPD, it depends on the individuals that make those decisions
  • FP makers aren’t always fully rational. Influenced by Emotional, cognitive, psychological and sometimes biological factors
    • Cognitive Factors
      • Seeking cognitive consistency: ignoring inconsistent information that contradict their existing view therefore making mistake in their decision making
      • Wishful Thinking: to justify own’s decision, human often convince ourselves the choice will succeed
      • Using Heuristic Devices: Using stereotypes to generalize and make decisions easier without guilt or injustice
    • Emotional Factor: emotional decisions can lead to mistakes and dangerous decisions
    • Psychological Factor: frustration and anger can turn into aggression without logic in decision making
    • Biological Factors: animalistic nature of gender can determine the likelihood of use of war
    • Perception Factor: people see the world in different perspectives than others. These differing perspectives or perceptions can overlook other’s perspectives and thinking us is better than them.

State-Level Analysis

System-Level Analysis

  • Topic down approach to world politics
  • To be successful, states must examine realities to how international system influences FP

Structural Characteristics

  • Current is Horizontal system: westphalian

Power Relationship

  • Number of power actors: not only includes states, but also influential IGOs
  • Current system is Unipolar or majorly Unipolar system (US)

Theories of FP Analysis




  • Constructivism and English School is the same thing: challenging the Traditional IRTs:
    • everything is socially constructed, can be reinterpreted according to values and norms.