Group 6 Members

  1. Chea Resan
  2. Soun Noby
  3. Moung Michael
  4. Sok Udom
  • Lect: find some good research questions
  • 10 minutes presentation
  • 5 minutes Q&A


  • Cambodia has limited strategies as small state
  • China provides security & economic guarantees
    • But Cambodia sheltering with few setbacks
      • Sour relations with ASEAN, Australia, Japan, against rise of China
        • Indirect confrontation from China’s adversaries
    • Suggestion:
      • Role of an active player in balancing: US & China
        • US provides military strategic cooperation
        • China provide economic opportunities for prosperity
      • Reestablish relations with EU, Japan, India, Australia, South Korea, ASEAN
        • Put Cambodia higher diplomatic position
          • To not rely entirely on China for its protection
  • In conclusion:
    • West is distancing from Cambodia
      • Cambodia officially non-aligned
      • Has to rely on China in the BRI
    • Why is the West Isolating?
      • Cambodia’s FP closer to China
        • goal of
          • maintaining peace
          • societal order
          • political stability
        • in order to
          • reduce poverty
          • achieve human dignity
          • gain economic prosperity
    • => Few FP choices
      • Shelter under China
        • Debt Trap
        • Puppet: ASEAN in South China Sea
        • If have to shelter: shift China’s investments to international best development practices
      • re-align to non-aligned status