Chapter 3: The Cold War In Southeast Asia

(F) Day of the week: Wednesday Class: IS210 Created Time: March 11, 2020 2:12 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: March 11, 2020 2:12 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:42 AM Type: Lecture

I. Cold War Background

Started right after WWII 1945

Compete for world domination

Capitalism (US)

  • Advocated Liberal and Freedom
  • Fought for and support government control

Socialism (USSR)

  • Freedom and stability
  • Communistic resistant taking over governments


Communism started in Europe after defeat of Nazi Germany

1949 China becomes communist state

Vietnam influenced by China

US turn to contain communism in Asia

II. Cold War in Southeast Asia


South Vietnam (US)

  • US involvement due to “domino theory”

North Vietnam (USSR)

  • First communist state in SEA

1. The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)

  • Members
    • Phillipines
    • Thailand
    • Cambodia
    • Laos
    • South Vietnam

⇒ to deal with spread of communism in SEA

  • No military structure
  • Needs consents from members to operate
  • Fought against communist movement and Sukarno

2. The Bandung Conference and Non-allignment

  • Neutral developing countries as members to not pick sides in the Cold War.

  • Principles

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It included many communistic countries as well as non-communistic ⇒ infighting


III. SEA and The Second Indochina War

North Vietnam (USSR)

  • USSR and China’s support
  • Supported by Khmer Rouge and Pathet (Laos) communist groups
  • 1975 N-Vietnam won and made Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam Socialist
  • Used Ho Chi Minh Trail ⇒ bombings

South Vietnam (US)

  • President Kennedy supported VN war ⇒ sent troops (with allies support)
  • South Vietnamese communists (Tieve): Supported by NV

1. Indonesia under Sukarno

Sukarno wanted to dominate Non-Alignment Movement

Suharto toppled Sukarno ⇒ Creation of ASEAN


Objective to counter communism

ASEAN states wanted to avoid the conflict between the two powers/Socialist vs Liberals

  • Indonesia wanted regional leadership
  • Singapore wanted recognition of independence
  • Malaysia wanted replacement for commonwealth ties
  • Thailand wanted out of SEATO

1963, Malaysia, Philippines, and Indonesia created MAPHILINDO to stop Malaysia from federalising.


  • On paper to promote economic and social cooperation

  • In Reality to contain threat of communism

ZOPFAN (1971) adopted so ASEAN is neutral

Members still free to support a side

1976, Bali meetings of ASEAN head of states to discuss threat of communists expansion.

The Bali Concord joint actions against the common threat, for collective political security, harmonization of politics.

The Treaty of Amity and Cooperation set principles of interference of internal affairs and peaceful dispute settlements

3. The Interwar Interval

  • VN unreasonable preconditions for normalization with ASEAN


1979 VN invasion of Cambodia toppling DK to setup PRK

IV. The Third Indochina War

1. ASEAN Response

Threatened by domino theory ⇒ demanded withdrawal of VN

US supported CGDK (Khmer Rouge, Sihaknouk…) to challenge PRK (Vietnam)

  • Khmer Rouge is needed to put up with Vietnam
  • Coalition with non-communist to justify US support of CGDK

2. Differing Perceptions of VN in Cambodia

Thailand and Singapore objected VN in Cambodia

  • more concerned for their border and national security

Malaysia and Indonesia wanted normalization with VN with the same control

  • more concerned for major power competition, wanted conflict to settle down

3. The End of Indochina War

  • 1986, USSR stopped supporting VN in war. (change in motivation) ⇒ VN troop withdrawal due to funding issues. (1989)
  • Infighting until 1990, UNSC Paris Agreement signed in 1991

⇒ end of Third Indochina War

  • 1993 UNTAC election