PAI-C03: Explaining International Regime Change
Class: IS405 Created Time: October 25, 2021 2:23 PM Database: Evergreen Database Last Edited Time: October 26, 2021 3:10 PM Type: Literature Notes
Explainations to Regime Change
Technological Advancement
- Technological advancement leads to increase in international regimes and more advanced
- When power of states change rules in international regimes also change
- The winner/more powerful controls the regime change
- The hegemonial system may use this to its own collapse
- Limitations
- Explaining regime change using only power is only one part of the story
- Applies to Cold War more
- There are other factors: domestic politics, interests, issues
- lack of differentiation of power among areas
- Explaining regime change using only power is only one part of the story
Issue Structure
- There are no linkage among issue areas
- The strong in the area makes the rules
- States will pursue national interest, but the strong will dominate
- Limitations
Interantional Organizational Model
- Set of networks, norms, and institutions, once established, will be difficult abolish
- Limitation:
- IO will only apply if the complex interdependence condition is stable
- May be wrong, states will want to change regime
- Economic issue: technological and economic change --- regime change
- Overall structure: strong military-security state linkage to economic issue
- Issue structure: no or slight linkage, so power resource of vulnerability dominate
- International organization: examine how actors benefits more than other & how international organizaion persist