IS403 Review

Class: IS403 Created Time: January 10, 2022 11:02 AM Database: Class Notes Database Last Edited Time: January 29, 2022 12:19 AM Type: Reading Notes

  • What is the definition of globalization?
    • Ritzer: globalization is characterized as the ‘flow’ of increasingly ‘liquid’ units such as humans, information, products, and the environment. 1
      • Units were solid before globalization
      • Also globalization: shift from ‘heavy to light’ of information, tools, people due to transportation technology. Organizations are more decentralized (Al-Qaeda) and more flexible.
    • Globalization can be defined as internationalization, liberalization, universalization, or as the supra-territorial/trans-planetary connection, which one depends on what is being discussed. (2008, Jan Aart Scholte) 2
  • Describe the historical evolution of globalization.
    • 15th century: Latin word ‘Globe’: meaning sphere 2
    • 20th century: coined
      • 1940s: Globalize & Globalism appeared
      • 1959: Globalization first used
      • 1961: in first dictionary
      • 1980s: globality circulated
    • There are many interpretations of historical origin and evolution of globalization 1
      • Hardwired: globalization stems from basic human urge to seek better more fulfilling life
      • Cycles: globalization rise, evolve, die out, and restart again in a cycle.
      • Phases: globalization evolved to it’s current state through 8 periods of bursts of development throughout history.
      • Events: globalization develops linearly through single events pushing it forward throughout history.
  • What are the components of globalization?
  • What are the sources of globalization? 2 3
    • Technology innovation: high-tech
      • compression of time and space: far distance transportation & communication
        • Communication: broadcast medias/free-flow of information, online shopping + shipping, online/telephone communication, social media connection
        • Transportation: cars, truck, trains, planes, bridges, highways
    • Production: global supply chain, intermediary products,
      • expand economy: AI, IT replacing workers, leapfrogging
    • Military: world reaching weapons, ICMB, spread out military bases
      • Soft power or economic influence is more important
      • Institutional power
    • Law: Global law enforcement, arrests in different country than the crime
      • transnational crime, crime against humanity, terrorism, cyber crime,
  • What are the security impacts of globalization?
    • Nuclear Weapon proliferation: nuclear states at 5 in 1968 to 9 now a days. States’ motivation for proliferating nuclear weapons can be 4
      1. The security model: States build nuclear weapons to increase national security against foreign threats, especially nuclear threats.
      2. The domestic politics model: States build nuclear weapons because these weapons advance parochial domestic and bureaucratic interests.
      3. The norms model: States build nuclear weapons because weapons acquisition, or restraint in weapons development, provides an important normative symbol of a state’s modernity or identity.
      4. The psychology model: States build nuclear weapons because political leaders hold a conception of their nation’s identity that leads them to desire the bomb.
      5. The political economy model: States build nuclear weapons because the nature of their country’s political economy-mostly interest, whether or not it is globally integrated gives their leaders different incentives for or against having nuclear weapons.
      6. The strategic culture model: States build nuclear weapons because their strategic culture leads them to hold certain ideas about how valuable the acquisition and use of nuclear weapons will be.
    • Warfare:
    • The nature of war remains constant, but its form reflects the particular era and environment in which it occurs.
      • Which aspects of wars have changed: New or Post-Modern War
        1. New planes of warfare by Non-states warfare in ‘new war theater’
          • Global media: contemporary wars are partly fought on television, and the media therefore have a powerful role in providing a framework of understanding for viewers of the conflict.
          • Cyberspace: hacking, disrupting communication
          • non-governmental organizations, intergovernmental organizations, regional and global media, users of the Internet, Terrorist operation
        2. Battlefield has now become ‘Battlespace’
          • Airpower
          • Use of Space satellites
          • Cyberspace & communication
        3. Remotely piloted drones: non-human combatants
    • As the world is now interconnected, wars are hard and too costly to manage than just cooperating or solving arguments peacefully
  • What are the positive impacts of globalization from security and socio-economic perspectives?
  • What are the negative impacts of globalization from security and socio-economic perspectives?
  • Evaluate and propose appropriate policy responses in general
  • What are the impacts of globalization on Cambodia?
    • Evaluate and propose appropriate policy responses in the case of Cambodia.


Duration 90 mins

  1. Comprehension/Analytical Questions: 4 questions
    • Cause, impacts of globalization on this or that sector
    • Any material we have discussed will be included
    • 1 question might focus on conceptuaization, historical evolution of globalization
    • Consequence, future of globalization, impacts…
  2. Critical-Thinking Questions: 1 question
    • Reflection on case of Cambodia
    • If Cambodia is affected in the same manner as lesson
    • Security, economy, political influence from globalization
  • Don’t be wordy, answer the questions right away, no introduction
    • First one, second, lastly blah blah isn’t needed
    • Go straight to the point
    • Respect the scope and word limit
  • Give same amount of time on every question
  • Critical Thinking: focus on own opinion, give argument straight away
    • Long answers doesn’t give you more points
    • Make sure everything you write has a purpose for being there
    • Conclusion has to be logical and well-informed, have to look at issue from multiple angles/POV
    • Show your critical engagement in your answer in how you analyze the topic

  • What are the positive and negative impacts of technological globalization?
  • Critical Thinking Question: Does globalization improve democracy in the developing world?


  1. GBTE-C01 Globalization Conceptualization, Origins, and History 2

  2. Chapter 1 Historical evolution, sources and barriers of globalization 2 3

  3. GBTE-C06 High‐Tech Global Flows and Structures

  4. Lesson Globalization on Nuclear Proliferation