
Topic: the rise of China

  • Transition from US to China’s power
  • Past present future record about China’s rise
    • Easternization
    • Pivot to Asia: US’s mistake of not investing in Asia ?

      The third grave error was the United States took its eye off the ball in Europe and the Middle East. The Obama administration appears to have believed that the United States could not walk and chew gum at the same time and focusing on Asia meant losing focus somewhere else. This was both untrue and highly dangerous. American neglect of Europe was followed by Russian adventurism in Ukraine, an increased threat to the Baltic states, and the erosion of democracy in Poland and Hungary. After America pulled back from the Middle East, the Syrian Civil War displaced 11 million people and caused a refugee crisis, Islamic State moved into Iraq, and America’s relationships with its Gulf allies frayed as Iranian influence expanded throughout the region.

      • a global hegemon can’t spread its influence every where because when it focuses somewhere else the old territory reverts back to chaos.
    • Polarity switch → bipolar of the never ending Cold War
    • How China’s rise to a regional hegemon is inevidable and US should make it be peaceful and learn to live with it (in text book?)

  • Do you think whether its possible that the US can handle the rise of China
    • Cold War, US formed alliance with other countries
      • Now US and European countries aren’t as smooth from Trump administration
  • Can you explain about the differential growth rate,
    • where did it come from?
      • Come from intentional or unintentional (natural)
        • Meiji restoration
        • Geographic defensable positioning
        • Differential growth rate leads eligable super power have the choice to challenge hegemon (anarchy makes them do so)
        • can they challenge it? yes they can through the sameness effect
    • what is it exactly?
      • Policy of preponderence: US try to keep down its allies
        • not wise, eventually the allies will rise anyways
        • best way is to accept they will rise and adopt off-shore balancing
          • use potential hegemon and play them against each other
  • what is bipolarity in an altered state
  • how do you summarize the reading
    • synthesis:
      • defend Kenneth Waltz, who’s assumptions failed in Cold War
        • hegemonic rivalry theory
      • Cold war ended, which is the unipolar power? is it an illusion?
        • unipolar will go away through differential growth rate, sameness effect, and anarchy
      • After Cold War: will cause conflict in Europe (Ex: Brexit, EU is now weak)
  • China reaffirms the not want to fight for hegemon. They want to grow, despite the alliances from the West. They will fail if they.