Quiz 1

(F) Day of the week: Wednesday Class: IS309 Created Time: May 5, 2021 3:55 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: May 5, 2021 3:55 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:42 AM

  1. A research plan that sets out how the research will go about responding to a research question. It can also be seen as the basic structure of a research paper.
    • Research ethics
    • Causal mechanism
    • Research Design
  2. The intentional or unintentional use of someone else’s words or ideas in your own work without appropriate attribution, usually done through referencing.
    • Conflict of interest
    • Plagiarism
    • Human subject
  3. A statement that makes a claim as to a relationship between two or more variables, usually the independent and dependent variables.
    • Epistemology
    • Process tracing
    • Positive theory
  4. It applies natural science methods in understanding the social world.
    • Ontology
    • Empiricism
    • Interpretivism
  5. The study of knowledge, how knowledge is produced.
    • Ontology
    • Epistemology
    • Aesthetics
  6. The republishing or resubmitting of work that you have already written as a new piece of work
    • Conflict of interest
    • Data manipulation
    • Self-plagiarism
  7. Reference to the co-variance of two variables. Because a change in one variable appears to coincide with the change in another
    • Correction
    • Falsifiable
    • Agent-structure debate
  8. The study of being or the nature of social entities
    • Ontology
    • Epistemology
    • Interpretivism
  9. It refers to a research in which a lot of cases are observed
    • Large-n research
    • Anything goes approach
    • Subjectivity
  10. Researcher and research subject are mutually constituted through inter-subjective understanding, and therefore the objective of research does not have its own objective existence outside this mutually constituted relationship
    • Post-positivism
    • Falsifiability
    • Empiricism
  11. People participate in research in the field of social science
    • Variable
    • Primary Data
    • Human subject
  12. The means through which we acquire knowledge
    • Methodology
    • Research justification
    • Abstract
  13. A research in which you pose a question that will be responded to during the course of an essay, thesis or dissertation
    • Ethic perspective
    • Small-n research
    • Question-based research
  14. The objective that requires explanation or a particular outcome that you wish to explain
    • Dependent variable
    • Secondary data
    • Objectivity
  15. Independent stable factors that under certain conditions link causes to effects
    • Causal mechanism
    • Independent variable
    • Process tracing
  16. Is individual action conditioned by institutional or socio-economic structures? or can individuals radically alter the political trajectories of their countries through their policy choices?
    • Agent-structure debate
    • Correction
    • Causal mechanism
  17. A document in which you clearly and concisely provide an overview of your thesis project to your supervisor.
    • Research proposal
    • Research design
    • Research ethics
  18. A form of qualitative data analysis that focuses on the interpretation of linguistic forms of communication
    • Statistical analysis
    • Discourse analysis
    • Survey
  19. A blind review process undertaken by scholarly publishers in which a manuscript submitted for publication is evaluated by two or more anonymous evaluations.
    • Peer-review
    • Process tracing
    • Research proposal
  20. A perspective on ethics which insists that researchers adhere strictly to ethical codes of conducts
    • Universal approach
    • Situationalist approach
    • Violationist approach