GIGW-C11: Security

Class: IS402 Created Time: December 15, 2021 2:10 PM Database: Class Notes Database Last Edited Time: March 20, 2022 10:56 PM Type: Presentation Notes

  • Perception of security changes
  • Management of such security issues: recognition existence of security issue, doesn’t mean ability to manage it (non-traditional security issue)

Interpretation of Security

  • Security focus on
    • defending national interests: the freedom from fear and want
    • Security from the threat of nuclear weapons
    • Protection or defense from threats of: Disease, hunger, unemployment, crime, social conflict, political repression, environmental hazard
  • Non-Traditional Security (NTS) Issues in SEA:
    • Environmental deterioration and it’s effects
    • Growing pressure on national resources
    • Democracy and human rights
    • Legal and illegal migration and ethnic tension
    • Gaps in wealth and income
    • Separatism, insurgency, and terrorism

ASEAN’s Response to NTS

  • In ASEAN: non-traditionally security issues aren’t a big political or military concern yet
  • ASEAN nations have hidden agendas in their FP
    • Vietnam securing many int’ trade agreements
    • Singapore strengthen relations with US for security
  • change of direction to reduce NTS issues
    • May 2003: human rights commission
      • But it was voluntary and aren’t binding to the members
      • No actions were agreed upon because non-consensus decision making
  • Lack of commitment from ASEAN
    • ASEAN has no problems dealing with pressing issues at the times
    • But no initiative on NTS were implemented

Case Study: Food Security and Sociopolitical Stability in East and Southeast Asia

  • Food security environments in
    • Rich Asia
    • Emerging Asia
  • Political instability is the root of food security issues Food security also leads back to political instability

Worlds Rice Market

  • Thinness of rice market: how volatile it is