S1M1 Log
(F) Day of the week: Tuesday Class: IS306 Created Time: April 27, 2021 2:27 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: April 27, 2021 2:27 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:38 AM
China says its supported peace and reconstruction of Somalia, humanitarian, relations between somalia and china developed sig.
- Non-interference
- Call for:
- PEaceful and proper solution to political deadlock (soft)
conflict affect state building, weaken capability to deal with al-shabab
Encourage: dialogue among all political parties
- Continue AMISOM
Tunisia motion to suspend formal debate
- Need purpose?
Moderated Caucus 1
New motion by Saint granadines for moderated caucus 15 mins, 1 min speaker, on humanitarian issues
- humanitarian aid isn’t enough rn, ask for more aid
- Cooperation between parties
France: support Estonia
- Focus on COVID: statistics of casualties
Ireland: displaced people/refugees
- Ireland has helped with aid
- ask others to help out also and provide funds
Tunisia: concerned over violence against humans
- Request all involving member states guide parties for effective road map to stop violence to women and children
Kenya: refugees
- It’s contributions to missions in Somalia
- Propose for members to contribute financially
US: biggest contributor of financial and humanitarian aid
- teach solders about human rights and proper treatment of humns
- others to provide humanitarian aid
Niger: more funds
Saint V: environmental & covid, affect civilians, poverty
- food, fund, aids
Mexico: food security
UK: humanitarian aid and protection
Russian: agrees and want to demonstrate commitment
- cooperate with involving countries
China: express sadness from drought, commend UN
- belt and road initiative with close relations to Somalia
- value somalia land and owned innivatiate
Estonia: to further fund IGO and NGOs related to humanitarian aid in Somalia
Tunisia: motion to open moderated caucus on security in somalia, 15 mns , 1mn speaker time
- Passed vote
India: terrorism
- Address ICT by terrorists: deeper cooperation on defense industry, joined ventures to protect our intel
- Distrupt important networks with crime groups
- greater cooperation
Niger: UN members and Federal government to cooperate?
Estonia: security is still challenge
- concerned over humanitarian response than security
- but terrorism is main reason for the concern
Russia: corruption and stolen tax, rebel groups have resources to fight gov’t
US: food security, cooperation from the UN and AU for member states to protect attacks against Humanitarian aid
Ireland: wants african voices to be heared
- cooperate with AU for peacebuilding with emphasis on role of women
Mexico: resume peace process
India: terrorism isn’t the only security problem, piracy is also a big issue
- india has been helping in piracy
- cooperation with regional organizations in enhancing peacebuilding efforts
- support US in providing military nd financially
Vietnam: help training , capacity building of gvoernment to combat terorism
Estonia: could be solved other ways
- cutting flow of IED making components
Political issue
China: should respect sovereingty of Somalia
- should create dialogue for flexible solutions
Russia: restore democratic institution in the country
France: support idea from US to have UN facilitate in election
Estonia: support political progress is important, pay attention to democracy.
- Election: implement 30% female quota,
India: believe in intro solutions instead of extra regional solution
- Deligitimize government
- doesn’t create dialogue in the country
- must respect poltiical independence of parties in Somalia
UK: democratic value
- somalia to practice good democracy
- parties to solve election conflict soon for legitimate government
Saint V: resumption of dialogue asap for conduct of democratic election
Tunisia: extend mandate of AMISOM for 12 months
India: for election asap
forgot to set agenda
substance of the debate is not much
announce result of role call and votes, what is needed for things to be adopted
formal debate in opening speaker’s list
next week no agenda setting
Speeches are over the 1 mn time limit
- if u hve more to say, just drop your name again
Speeches are only symbolic information to show what has been done and yourself has done. (speaker’s list)
- speeches are only monologue giving of information instead of a debate
- Should be suspended pretty early on
- Open caucuses instead
In Caucus: should talk about proposals, solutions, objections to other’s states’ proposals
Humanitarian issue has very similar proposals
When giving proposals you should provide evidence of why the issue is bad, why they should help
- use report papers
US should argue why we don’t need troops there anymore
- use evidence and numbers
May 4, 2021 continue debate
2 moderated caucus to discuss and debate proposals
- unfinsihed or unraise issues
- new thought of proposals and debate
- economy?
end moderated caucus and start draft resolution
- prepare amendments
- focus on substance of draft resolution
look at your national interest
- if it goes against your interest amend or remove it