
Tasks due today

Dataview: No results to show for task query.

"name": "Todoist", "filter": "2022-06-24" 


  • Number of CMs for P1-2022

    • Only LRP5, not anything else
    • LRP5:
      • BCV (IT): 110 CMs
        • UK: 344 CMs
          • Finished translating (11 removed children)
      • RFCD: 883 CMs
        • To Translate
        • Samaky: 1058
        • CWDCC: 800
        • PFBA: 639
        • RPC: 554
  • Links of May: 7,173 = CMs to translate

    • Children waiting for links: 972
    • All 8,145 children
  • 1300 (all LRP & standard) are translated

  • Stock and stationary update

    • Not much is needed
    • Items ordered on the 22nd
      • Colored paper
      • Glue sticks
      • pentel pen 12
  • 25th skill share for making a blog post

  • Humanitarian work

  • Climate change

IS408 Review

  • Capability to function
  • **

Those problems are such as:

  • Lower levels of living and productivity 

  • Lower levels of human capital 

  • Higher levels of inequality and absolute poverty 

  • Higher population growth rates 

  • Greater social fractionalization 

  • Larger rural populations but rapid rural-to-urban migration 

  • Lower levels of industrialization 

  • Adverse geography 

  • Underdeveloped financial and other markets 

  • Lingering colonial impacts such as poor institutions and often external dependence
