Nuclear Deterrence

  • First-strike capabilities of Preemtive War gives advantage to those who use nuclear weapons first
  • There can still be Second-strike capability of the targetted state who can react to the attack with full force
  • If there is first-strike capability, there can be no second-strike ability.
    • There is no second-strike capability, when only one party has nuclear weapon
  • Leads to Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) or Nuclear Deterrence
    • Because there is second-strike capability, the first-strike would never happen in the first place

[!Example Case] Cold War

  • The Trinity of Nuclear Deterrence: to have your nuclear weapons every where
    • Airbased deployment
    • Underground silo
    • Nuclear submarines
    • Land based nuclear trucks
  • So that the enemy can’t destroy all your capabilities all at once
    • So you have second-strike capability