Preparation for TED-Ed Recording
Class: TED-Ed Created Time: November 27, 2021 8:06 PM Database: Class Notes Database Last Edited Time: December 1, 2021 7:19 PM
DSLR for Beginners | How to Set Your Camera Up to Shoot Video
- Display Settings
- Use MOV format instead of MP4
- Select FHD (ALL-I): ALL-I means it’s made for editing later
- White Balance: normal day time 5500K, 3200K for night time
- We are in doors so idk
- Aperture: how much of shot is in focus (2.8 for 1 subject, 22 is for groups) 60
- ISO: the lower the better. Higher makes visuals more grainy 600-800
- FPS: if you do 100+ fps, it doesn’t record internal audio from the camera itself
- Shutter speed needs to be double framerate (60/120, 50/100)
- Audio
- Enable Movie Servo AF if you’re using external mic
- Does external mic connect to the camera, how to sync
- Do we end recording for each student or recut a big video file, audio?
- Equipment guy’s name is Pheap, go to B Bill’s room to ask for him to get equipment
- Num: 077 334 372
- Editing
- Amplify audio if speaking isn’t loud enough 12dB and -6dB.
- Turn mono audio (only in right channel) to simulate stereo post-production
- Self-note
- Get HDMI cable extension from your wire bag
- Get slides from students, preferably PDF