Introduction to Foreign Policy

Class: IS401 Created Time: September 30, 2021 2:29 PM Database: Class Notes Database Last Edited Time: October 14, 2021 2:30 PM Type: Lecture

  • What is Foreign Policy?
    • Are the decision that protects the interest of the state and govern any actions taken beyond the territory of the state
    • THe strategy or approach
  • Agent, structure, and context of Foreign Policy
  • Debates among IR scholars and Theorists
    • Neo-Realism uses external structural factors that influences Foreign Policies (Aussenpolitik)
    • Domestic Actors Theory: internal or domestic factors influence Foreing Policy (Innenpolitik)
    • Neoclassical Realism: Both are factors, but external matters more than internal factors
    • Constructivism: Collective norms & identity are what influences Foreign Policy.
  • Foreign policy objectives are national interests
    • Core objectives/interests: ex: independence, sovereignty, territory… (raison d’etre)
    • Middle range objectives: ex: international cooperation, prestige…
    • Universal long range objectives: Restructuring international system/order
  • The levels proposed by Kenneth Waltz in his book Man, the State, and War with his 3 images of IR that link with levels
    • international anarchy
    • internal structure of states
    • human behaviour