
Core Values of ActionAid 1

  • Mutual respect: requiring us to recognize the innate worth of all people and the value of diversity.
  • Equity and justice: requiring us to ensure the realization of our vision for everyone, irrespective of gender, sexual orientation and gender identity, race, ethnicity, caste class, age, HIV status, disability, location and religion.
  • Integrity: requiring us to be honest, transparent and accountable at all levels for the effectiveness of our actions and our use of resources; and open in our judgments and communications with others
  • Solidarity with people: living in poverty and exclusive will be the only bias in our commitment to the fight against poverty, injustice, and gender inequality.
  • Courage of conviction: requiring us to be creative and radical, bold and innovative -without fear of failure- in pursuit of making the greatest possiblea impact on the causes of poverty, injustice, and gender inequality.
  • Independence: from any religious or party-political affiliation
  • Humility: recognising that we are part of a wider alliance against poverty and injustice.

ActionAids Child Sponsorship

  • Is the funding program for ActionAid

SHEA and Safeguarding Training Course

ActionAid Correspondence

ActionAid Sahakom

ActionAid Local Rights Program



  1. Our Core Value | ActionAid Cambodia