Types of Data

  • Qualitative Data: Data derived from words, images, audio
    • Needs to be structured to be analyzed
  • Quantitative Data
    • Nominal Data: data which only have names and no ordering value of higher or lower
    • Ordinal Data: data which is rankable and comparable to other values
    • Interval Data: data that changes at a consistent interval value (temperature, 10-point scale)
    • Numerical/Ratio Data: Decimal values such as scores, salary, price…
  • Why is it necessary to understand different types of data?
    • different types of data requires different methods of analysis
    • Correlations can be made between any two types of variables of the same data
    • Nominal data cannot be used to compare to any other data in hierarchical order

Data Model

  • Rules of how data is captured to be consistent requires data to be collected using a specific sets of labeled Meta-Data.