The reason why everytime you mention having a child and I don’t get as excited as you is because I worry about the responsibilities that comes with it. I know Parenthood will be a new step in our lives. It might be exciting, but I always worry about these things you keep saying.
- Dishes: you say you never will wash a dish in your life. How about our kid, will she use paper dishes her whole life?
- If I want us to eat like normal people or cook something once in a while will you be like “you wanted it so you clean it.”?
- When our kid have toys, make a mess around the house, poop herself, changing diapers, clean the whole house, manage water, electricity, payments, groceries, maintainance, gas, will you help me and do your part of a parent?
- Will you aquire the skills to be a parent before we try for a baby? Because I know I will. But I’m not so sure you would.
- You keep saying “Can’t wait to see you bathing/cooking for/feeding/holding/etc our child”. Do you expect me to take on all the roles of a maid and you not help me?
- You say you could just let your mom help raise the kid, but what if she’s busy with her own life or not here anymore one day. Kannika complains that an aunt of hers had a baby and since even before bith, her mom had to look after the aunt, then take care of the baby, basically be the surrogate mother for the child, while the aunt goes on vacation. Kannika said her mom is never home and doesn’t feel like her mom anymore. It’s been going on close to a year.
- All I’m asking is you be my partner, unfortunately I’m not the daddy type who will take all work given quietly. I want help. You of course can live your life however you want for a long time, but when we raise a kid together, we share our lives, what you are willing/unwilling to do affects me greatly. I want to raise our child like parents, but I don’t want the ultimatum of either I do everything I mention by myself or you’ll just let your mom take care of it all.
- I get treating your partner to something is a kind gesture. But it seems you sort of expect the man to be giving money one way to the woman no matter the circumstance like it’s normal. Mentioning my brother’s girlfriend, I didn’t expect you to say “នៅជាមួយគ្នាចាយលុយគ្នាខ្លះទៅ”. But you expect that to be a one way street? If I wanted to spend your money would you be okay with that? (I would never btw). If I one day make less than you, which will definitely be true, will you still expect the same of me? I’m not saying I won’t spend on you. I just want to it be kind gestures, and not a one way expectation. As a family, I want to make decisions together, what we both contribute on for the betterment of our home. I also want to manage my money, make savings, and treat myself too as you understand.