911 §
There are six short-term aims.
The eviction of US military forces from Saudi Arabia.
The eviction of foreign forces from the Islamic world.
The replacement of the House of Saud by a ‘genuine’ Islamist regime.
The replacement of other corrupt, elitist and pro-Western regimes across the region.
There is deep antagonism to the Zionist state of Israel and support for the Palestinian cause.
There is support for other Islamist Movements.
Why did the attack of 9/11 happen? §
Created Time: September 20, 2021 6:28 AM
Database: Evergreen Database
Last Edited Time: September 20, 2021 6:31 AM
Type: Inbox, Permanent Notes
Why did the attack of 9/11 happen? §
Topics: 9 11 Al-Qaeda US
Osama Bin Laden states the US have supported world wide governments in attacking Muslim all over the world.