IS408 Presentation Assignment - Country Analysis
Country Case Study
- Presentation Assignment
Guidelines: Country Case Study_A4.1.pdf
- 15 minutes presentation only
- 1 - 2 members do the presentation
- Everyone answers Q&A, one question all members have to answer, before moving on
Country Selection: low/middle income countries only according to World Bank Countries Income Groups
- Brief History: Only include relevant things to what you’re going to talk about. Only things that matter to the development of the country
- Geography and Climate: how does the advantages or disadvantages from it help or make its development worse
- Economic Performance: what sector is important.
- Be specific, not just ‘industry’
- Poverty figure: 5-10 years.
- Changes
- Reasons why it changed that way
- Education: structure, is the way the government organized it make sense?
- Access & quality
- Costs
- Healthcare:
- Is there enough infrastructure
- quality of health
- Quality of life in general, neutritions
- Population
- past ethnic conflicts
- Who controls natural resources
- Are there tension between social groups?
- Birthrate?
- How having many or few ethnic group affect economic growth. Why?
- Insitutions
- Effective law enforcement
- Intellectual property
- Monopoly on violence
- Enough infrastructure to attract FDI
- Political stability
- Civil society, voice of community in government
- What is QLF?
1, 2, 8= noby
9, 10, 11= rach
4, 12= seth
3= nak
5, 6, 7= resan
- education, health care, and gender equality
2022-05-17: submission of IS408 Presentation 1st draft in hard copy
2022-05-24: submission of IS408 Presentation final draft in hard copy
- Can rearrange any of the points in whatever order
- Select your own country (by group)
- Low and middle income countries only
- Don’t select the same country
- Don’t write too much, don’t make it so complex.
- Presentation
- 15 minutes presentation
- Everyone must answer questions
- 1 or 2 members do presentation, up to 3, not all members
- Everyone in the group must understand all parts of the assignment
- One question asked to the group will be answered by all members separately
- Don’t divide the assignment so separately
- Print hard copy in black and white or in color, which would be better for your assignment
- Everyone ask as many questions as possible to each group for the group to get points
Policy Memo
- Topic: “trying to improve the economy by focusing on the service sector”
- in order to do so,
- we need to improve our education system (investment for the future).
- We will also look at the participation rate of the women and try to improve the rate of women being part of the economy as well.
- in order to do so,
- Solution is by improving Mexico’s education system.
- Why should education be improved?
- Problems
- Underfunded
- Where does government funds go instead?
- Is it worth reallocating?
- Why past policies of compulsory upper-secondary education didn’t work?
- Underfunded
- Solution is by increasing economic participation rate of women
- What are the facts? How much women participate?
- What can be done to increase?
- [[daily/2022-05-03#IS408 Presentation Assignment - Country Analysis|2022-05-03#IS408 Presentation Assignment - Country Analysis]]