Chapter 4: Socialism

(F) Day of the week: Monday Class: IS301 Created Time: November 23, 2020 8:29 AM Database: Class Notes Database Date: November 23, 2020 8:29 AM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:42 AM Tags: Socialism Type: Lecture

Socialism traditionally defined as opposition to capitalism

Cooperation > Competition

1. Origins and Development

First appeared in 19th century

  • European industrial capitalism created inequalities…

Francois Maries Charles Fourier utopia socialist have a political idea

1.1. Early Socialism

Early socialism defined by

  • poor working class living and working conditions
  • working class composed of mostly first-generation urban dwellers
  • There were few social institutions to help the poor with stability

This socialism is often radical/revolutionary to overthrow the industrial capitalism.

1.2. Divided Socialism: Revolutionary or Reformist

Late 19th century

  • Working class improved
  • Advanced political democracy
  • Trade unions provided economic security
  • Working-class political parties, sports, social clubs integrated working class into industrial society

The working class no longer could be revolutionists

⇒ divided socialism in two

  • Revolutionist Socialism: remained the same, wanted to overthrow the government and reform society. (Communism)
  • Reformists Socialism: switched to legal and constitutional methods of reform of the social & political system (Social Democracy/Socialism)

1.3. Spread East As Anti-colonialism

Spread of socialist ideas into African, Asian and Latin American

The change in struggle focus from class struggle to anti-colonial struggle

  • Combination of socialism and nationalism

The Bolshevik model of communism spread to

  • China
  • North Korea
  • Vietnam
  • Cambodia

2. Core Themes: No Man Is An Island

Socialism is characterized as cluster of ideas, values and theories

  • Community
  • Cooperation
  • Equality
  • Class Politics
  • Common Ownership

Socialism: less revolutionary, focus on political power, to represent the working class

Communism: still need a revolution, to restructure society as a whole. Government is the most important
