Standard Process of Meeting


  • Yes with right: agree with reason
  • Yes: agree
  • No: disagree
  • No with right: Disagree with reason
  • Abstain
  1. Roll Call - Present and Voting

  2. Setting agenda: The United States of America move to place “Humanitarian Crisis” first on the agenda, followed by “security and democracy” and then “Economy”. For 15 minutes with a speaking time of 2 minute.

    Delegates support or against one or the other topic

    Simple majority vote

    Vote on to talk about the issue: yes/no why?

    General Topic/Specified Topic: The country of _ would like to propose a general topic/Specified Topic of _ for # minutes with a speaking time of #

  3. Speakers list: order of delegates in speaking. Say name of own country one by one

    If you have something to say about the voted on topic. Put your name in chat to be selected to talk

  4. Moderated Caucus: The United States of America would like to raise a motion for a 15 minutes moderated causes with 1 minute speaking time to discuss about humanitarian aid.

    • Reply to other states whether you agree with them or disagree and state why
  5. Unmoderated Caucus: informal meetings between all the countries

    • The United States of America would like to raise a motion for a 15 minutes unmoderated causes to further discuss about…
    • Form bloc and propose your arguments to other bloc
  6. Draft resolution: One behalf of the sponsor team, The U. S would like to to present the draft resolution to the whole committee

  7. Friendly amendment by non-sponsored country

  8. Unfriendly amendment by non-sponsored country