COVID-19: 1st Meeting
(F) Day of the week: Monday Class: IS208 Created Time: April 27, 2020 3:46 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: April 27, 2020 3:46 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:39 AM Type: Simulation
Host: Vietnam (Rotha, Phirun, Votey)
- Roll Call
- Welcoming remarks of Vietnam
- Intervention by each country
- Sponsor county read draft declaration
- Declaration debated
- Declaration will be adopted
Roll Call
all present
Welcoming Remarks (Vietnam:Rotha)
- Tens of Thousands of cases in SEA, Thousands of Deaths ⇒ not significant but still important to look at
- Hope for concrete resolutions for each nations’ people
- ASEAN made donations of PPE through agencies
- Encouragement for cooperation in tackling the issue
Brunei Darussalam
Goal: to cooperate and solve the issue
Corona has less death rate than SARS but has much more spreadability ⇒ more deadly
- Restriction and bans on traveling, mass gatherings
- More labs for producing testing quipment
- Work from home quarintines
- No shortage of essential items
1. Cambodia
Thanks for congratualation for 21st ASEAN joined
Want to find method of manage the issue, and keep the ecnomic stability
122 cases, 120 recovered, no deaths
- Tax exemptions for hotels and other businesses
- 800 million to 2 billion for covid response
- established commitee to manage the issue
- Prepared medical equipments
- Sharing test practices and experiences that have effectively prevented the spread of the disease
- Safeguarding public health through strengthening production capability of medical supplies and protecting vulnerable groups
- minimizing the economic downturn resulting from this pandemic
- Strengthening regional integration in order to revitalize the economy
- Strengthening digital connectivity in areas such as e-government, e-business and e-learning
2. Republic of Indonesia
Goal: seek cooperation and solution
Largest in ASEAN
First Case in early March
Cases: 7000
- Lock down of Jarkata, schools, mass activities
- Decalred health emergency on 31st of march
- Finance to manage the crisis
- Implement self isolation policy (only leave for important trips)
- Strong commitment for cooperation in dealing with the situation
3. Laos People Democratic Republic
- Affected socio-economic situation of SEA and World
- 19 total cases
- Lock down coutnry
- Promote e-learning and working
- Work collectively for joint resolution to help the situation and maintain regional socio-economical regional stability
4. Federation of Malaysia
- Affect eocnomic growth of SEA and global
- Vaccine finding for invisible enemy is still going
- Advise citizen to stay home
- Abroad malaysians need to be under quarintines
- Enhanced MCO for high infection rate regions
- For increase credibility in health service
- Increse capability for treatment in each country
5. Republic of the Union of Myanmar
- Community lockdown
- Comittee to ensure the sick can get treated
- Exemption of electricity tariffs
- Banning mass gatherings, schools, curfew
- Banned foreign trevel and entry
- Myanmar COVID-19 Comprehensive Response Plan to mange the impacts of coronavirus
- Solved through peaceful means, cooperating with WHO, dialogue partners to maintain peace and security
6. Republic of the Philippines
30th January, first case
1st February, first death
- 13th march, full lockdown
- Scientists predict 39,000 cases if not acted upon
- Public transportation, curfew… bans
- Declared public health emergency
- Preparing stocking up on medical equipments
- 290 billion pesos to manage the crisis
- ASEAN members to preventive actions with cooperation to solve the issue
- Using ASEAN as a platform for problem solving
7. Republic of Singapore
Small territory ⇒ quick spread
Cases: 13,000, 1,050 recovered
- Travel ban, in and out
- Encourage self quarantine
- For ASEAN members to manage carefully for the long incubation period
8. The Kingdom of Thailand
11th march, WHO declared Pandemic
- Affected trade and tourism in Thailand
- Big cleaning week
- Curfew
- subsidies to help people and businesses
- 6 point declaration to ASEAN
- Implement WHO regulations, formulate ASEAN standard for public health emergency
Motion Raising
Raised by Cambodia: 20 minutes of formal debate
All voted yes
- Further Strengthen cooperation //
- Establish ASEAN task force, a central committee, sectors to manage regional issues,
Agrees with Vietnam and think we should share information about the sisue
- Economy or supply line shoudl not be closed
- For all members to take the issue seriously, strengthen the testing process internally
Some countries still have limited health care system
- Vietnam say again about the ASEAN task force in helping all members managing the regional issues
- Coronavirus has no descrimination border or place
- Agree with Vietnam
Times down on Indonesia’s point, to prevent
- Misinformation
- Spread experience and Information
Need for cooperatin and sharing of information ⇒ need of a regional task force
Agrees with Vietnam and Cambodia
- Internal security is still a big point
- Other members still need to focus more on the testing, as members still have not tested on a mass level