Bash Shell

for filename in *.md; do text=$(head -1 "$filename" | cut -c 3- | sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z0-9 ().,:;_-]//g' | sed -e 's/\ \ / /'); mv "$filename" "$text".md; done
# to add [[]] to each cover image
	sed -i 's/Cover\ Image:\ \(.*.jpg\)/Cover\ Image:\ \[\[\1\]\]/'

Renaming Files with Bash

for filename in *.jpg
do text=$(tesseract "$filename" stdout | grep "LRP")
	cp "$filename" renamed/"$text".jpg
## | cut -f2 -d":"| to only pick the second field to rename
##	cut -c  == means skip the first and move to the second character
## head -1 is used to only output the first line, isn't needed in this case
for filename in *.png
do text=$(tesseract "$filename" stdout | grep "KH" | awk '{print $2} | cut -c 2-)
cp "$filename" renamed/"$text".png