Civil War: Cambodia (1970-1975 and 1979-1991) by Omnilogos

Created Time: November 15, 2021 11:56 AM Database: Evergreen Database Is Reference for: Cambodia Last Edited Time: February 6, 2022 4:04 PM Tags:#Article Type: Literature Notes URL:

Civil War: Cambodia (1970-1975 and 1979-1991) 1

Working from Hanoi, pro-Vietnamese powers in turn expelled the Khmer Rouge by sending Vietnamese troops to attack Cambodia and established another Communist government

  • Vietnamese withdrew in 1989

When the Vietnamese troops completely withdrew from Cambodian territory in 1989 in response to steadily increasing international pressure to conclude Cambodia’s civil war, then-prime minister Hun Sen changed the country’s name to the State of Cambodia (SOC) and concluded a peace agreement with the antigovernment powers.

  • Withdrawal of Vietnamese rule- Hun Sen peace agreement with Khmer Rouge

In particular, the Communist revolutionary movement, which spread rapidly after 1960, became a civil war as a result of Lon Nol’s coup d’état and the establishment of the extreme right-wing, anticommunist Khmer Republic.

  • The first Civil War?

prolonged physical clashes and military conflicts between the PRK government, remnants of the former Khmer Republic government, and Sihanouk loyalists

Sihanouk, who converted Cambodia’s form of government to a constitutional monarchy after independence, handed over royal authority to his father, Norodom Suramarit, in early 1955 and attained absolute power by successfully winning the general election. He then established the leading political party, Sangkum |Note|- I didn’t know Sihanouk gave royalty to his father to form a political party

Frequent changes in Cambodia’s diplomatic policies caused domestic political disorder.

  • Sihanouk switched sides often, sometimes supporting US and sometimes N.Vietnam and China in the Vietnam War

In early April 1967, Samlaut and Batdambang, two provinces known for the presence of big landowners and economic inequality, were plagued by insurrections.

  • Did this lead to anything big or influential in the conflict?

PRK government vs. CGDK (1979-1991)

  • Is this one of the civil wars?

Treaty facilitated by UN in 1991; democratic general election in 1993

In 1997, a coup d’état was attempted by Hun Sen that threatened the general election that was to be held in 1998; intermittent violence occurs, along with suppression of parties that oppose Prime Minister Hun Sen and the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) government.

  • UN tried to help, but didn’t end up with full democratization
  • What happened before the coup for that to happen?
  • Did Hun Sen lose the 1993 election?
  • What happened afterwards


  • Dong-Yoon Lee. Civil Wars of the World: Major Conflicts since World War II. Editor: Karl DeRouen Jr. & Uk Heo. Volume 1, ABC-CLIO, 2007.


  1. Civil War: Cambodia (1970-1975 and 1979-1991) (