IS405 Mid Term: Compare and Contrast Realism and Neo-Liberalism

Compare and contrast the nature/characteristics of “Order” in Realism and Neoliberalism. Which theory do you think is better? In your opinion, what is the role of state in the new order of international relations in the future?

  • Characteristics of order of both theories think that the world is Anarchic.
    • But how that anarchy affect the prospect of cooperation is different in each theory
      • Realism thinks long term cooperation is impossible
      • Neo-Liberalism thinks long term cooperation is possible if done through properly structured and designed international institutions


1. How does Realism and Neo-Liberalism’s interpretation of International Order Differ?

  • Let’s start with the similarities between Realism and Liberalism
    • Basic characteristics of Realism
      • Assumptions on Order 1
        • International system: is bound to be conflictual and anarchic
          • Anarchy: No global government looking over each state (anarchic)
            • States must rely on themselves
          • Power balance: states hierarchy is determined by material/military power
            • Focus on material power
          • Conflicts will be resolved by war
        • Doubt there can be progress in International Politics (cooperation is impossible)
          • Domestic politic can be achieved but international political level isn’t possible
          • states focus on themselves rather than relying on relations
          • Conflicts being resolved by war means difficulty for building relations
    • Does Neo-Liberalism think state is the only actor that matters?
      • More state-centric view of IR than Liberalism 2
        • States are rational actors
        • States are selfish but mutual benefit is better than self-interest
        • States have Incentive to Cooperate: to maximize absolute gain
  • Arguements for it
    • How it was the one and only theory that applied to the world for a very long time
    • Liberalism has been proven multiple times that it is too idealistic in its perception of world cooperation. Especially during the 20th century
  • Liberalism has Characteristics of using similar fundamental beliefs as Realism but in a more optimistic/pessimistic way than Realism
    • Even with Anarchy as obstacle to international cooperation, properly designed international institutions can still make cooperation happen (cooperation isn’t impossible)
      • Cooperation is common through International Institutions 2
        • Can solve problems that can’t be solved alone

1.1. How does Realism and Neo-Liberalism view International Institutions?

  • In Neo-Liberalism international organization role is to
    • States choose continuous interactions with each other because they know they will interact with the same actors in the future.
    • To cooperate cheaply and efficiently states created institutions
    • help solve problem that one state cannot solve by one state
    • moderate states behavior, commitment, accountability to each other
    • provide guarantee framework for interaction, negotiation, and cooperation
    • a context for bargaining provide mechanism for reducing cheating by monitoring behavior
    • punishing wrong states
    • facilitate transparency, creating trust, and reducing fear between states
  • In Realism, International Institutions, IOs, rules, and regimes are powerless and are tools
    • Functions of IOs according to Realism
      • provide public goods
      • collect information
      • establish credible commitment
      • monitor agreements
      • generally help states overcome problems associated with collective action
      • enhance individual and collective welfare
    • Institutions are used by states as tools to achieve their own national interests and for the powerful states to exploit
    • Institutions doesn’t have inherent power, only powerful when powerful states are behind it
    • Institutions doesn’t have consistent military power, only force contributed by states when the goal is in their interests
    • Institutions doesn’t have ability to act on wronging states (sovereignty)

Which do you think is better?

  • Neo-Liberalism is the latest installation of liberalism/idealism. It was called idealism because it was too optimistic beyond reality that it’s trying to describe
  • But Neo-Liberalism shifts more to the Realist perspective, but still have hope.
    • I think it fits better than Realism because the world is getting progressively more interdependent, countries relies on each other’s success to be successful, and it can describe many of the things happening and developing today.
    • Also because its a more optimistic view of the world, and I like to hope the world gets better
  • The world is getting more and more connected and more problems and trans-boundary than not
    • Climate change
    • terrorism & human trafficking
    • cybersecurity
    • global financial crisis
    • global supply chain

What is the role of state in the new order of international relations in the future?

  • Alternative IRT to describe role of state in new world order?
    • Corporational Corporatism 3
      • Corporatism’s Assumption is: Business and labor are bound together and can work together for national interests.

        • To heavily incorporate organized interests into the processes of government
      • Corporatism was the ‘third way’ or an alternative to both capitalism and socialism, denying elements from both sides

        • Capitalist’s Free Market: leads to unrestrained pursuit of profit
        • Central Planning: leads to class war
        1. Authoritarian Corporatism

        an ideology and economic reform closely linked with Fascist Italy

        • Ideology: alternative to capitalism and socialism based on holism and group integration
        • Economic Reform: government’s direct political control over industry and organized labor.

        Strengthen Government

        1. Liberal Corporatism

        A nature found in mature liberal democracies where companies are granted and institutionalized access to policy formulation.

        Strengthen Groups

Further Notes

  • Neither of these arguments (Realism or Liberalism) could explain the Post Cold War world. Which Constructivism could. 4
    • Idk how fit it might be, but it could be useful
  • Climate change?

How does Realism and Neo-Liberalism view international order differently Whats the alternative



  1. Realism

  2. Neo-Liberalism 2

  3. Chapter 7 Fascism

  4. Constructivism Historical Development