S1M2 Log

(F) Day of the week: Tuesday Class: IS306 Created Time: May 4, 2021 2:05 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: May 4, 2021 2:05 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:38 AM

Absent = Abstain (not veto, or yes)

In caucuses you note down what is said or proposed to compile into draft resolution

Introduce draft resolution then open caucus

  • Pronounce their support over one paragraph or the other, showing their position
  • Propose caucus to discuss more controversial paragraphs

Types of Paragraphs: some states might want to talk about less sensitive issue

  • Hard Measure
  • Soft Measure

May 11, 2021 Will vote on draft resolution

Comments and amendments are different

  • Suggestions are proposal for other states to think the same way
  • Amendments: are formal writing to change things in the DR proposed to the sponsor team

Motions for appropriate time, speaking time, and sufficient variables

  • vote against motion if its not good
  • then raise another motion

14 present

1 absent: The Kingdom of Norway


motion 16 mn moderated caucus 2mn speaker time about displacement of people in Somalia

All Yes

Caucus: Displacement


China has backed UNCHR for disaster management for Refugee and IDP

Urge for more cooperation and help from International Community


Concerned over the issue. State it’s efforts in helping.

Call on concerned parties

  • Protect personell
  • Provide basic needs to population


Drought is the driving force of displacement (food shortage)

  • Bad hunger
  • Expected to get worse

Hope all member states provide food, medical equipment to be prepared for climate problem

United States

Temporary concil to make sure the funding are going to the refugee and the IDP or people in need instead of being cut to other parts in Somalia.


Support US for council to create link where UN agencies UNHCR to directly connect with refugee and IDP

  • No corruption
  • Direct benefit to people in need

Call Int Com to fund IGO and NGOs to provide humanitarian aid to Somalia


  • Promoting role of women
  • Returnee can return back to their livelyhood and continue their lives

Call for support for UNHCR for financial assistance for federal government in Somalia

United Kingdom

Concerned over COVID-19. Statistics on COVID. Statistics on refugees in Mogadishu.

Request for support for political and security reform to tackle displacement


Displacement due to

  • violence
  • drought


Move from rural to urband

  • drought
  • flood
  • no access to clean water, health, protection

Propose: int org, com, provide humanitarian assistance to people in rural areas to stop moving from rural to urban


Security is the big reason causing displacement


15 mn 2 mn moderated for Somalia Election

All yes

Caucus: Somalia Election


Support new electoral framework for election in september

Parties involved in Somalia to Refrain from using violence

  • Violence: can’t ensure stability in long term

Continue dialogue channels for win-win solution


Pleased to hear continue of democracy

UN to facilitate hosting to make sure of no biasness


important for consensus based election asap

Support continue dialogue of September 17th

Support Negotiate in good faith


Says election should be done locally or internal rather than by UN

Still support AU in fighting Al-Shabaab


support US

Meet and discuss for election asap

Ask opposition leaders to play role of pacify and reach consensus

Prioritize interest of somali people


Support sovereignty, but must pay attention to severe neglect of political freedom

Federal government → opposition party

  • Violation to human rights

Interference from UN must happen to ensure process in democratic process for humanitarian issues to stop


Support China in continuing dialogue for election instead of UN hosting

Decisions must be made by political parties, involvement from outside could break discussions between the parties

United States

election Must be managed by unbiased party


Respect sovereignty in election.

But hope quicken election to lessen conflict harmful to citizens and refugees


Non-interference support China

Issue doesn’t have the rights for UN to involve in the problem


Motion Unmoderated 15 mns

Pass: 14 yes 1 no

Unmoderated Caucus: Draft Resolution

Introduce Draft Resolution

Motion by SVG

Passed: 13 yes, 2 no (Tunesia, China)

Volunteer to read DR: Niger

Caucus on DR

Russian raised motion 20 minutes with 2 mn speaking time

Passed: 10 yes, Seang Vatey, Rotha no


Thanks sponsor states

DR doesn’t reflect interest of people of Somalia

Pars 8 -11

Must obtain security or stability before anything else



Clause 11

Shouldn’t support intervention

Should involve dialogue instead of foreign interference


Part 10 is only neo-colonialism

foreigner impose solution on local people


Look at the practicality of your measures

  • Compliance with int law but can’t be implemented
  • Use evidence to argue your point, past events

One person one vote isn’t practical with Somalia situation?

Prove Somalia government have consented for election/other things to be taken place

Study draft resolution

  • Prepare amendments
  • Use name of countries instead of pronouns (I, you, they)

Request motion, debate & discuss the clause before voting on the motion

Sponsor must be better prepared to defend draft

Point of personal privileges: for bathroom breaks?

Lobby sponsor for friendly amendments: change without voting

If sponsor doesn’t agree, it’s unfriendly amendment

  • open caucus to debate the amendment
  • motion to vote

Could offend sponsor if you don’t lobby first