
  • Feminist theories of IR use gender as a socially constructed category of analysis when they analyze foreign policy, international political economy, and international security.
  • Feminist security research takes two major forms: theoretical reformulation and empirical evaluation.

Feminists’ definition of gender

  • Feminists define gender as a set of socially constructed characteristics describing what men and women ought to be.

    • Masculinity: strength, rationality, independence, protector, and public. These aka hegemonic masculine characteristics.
    • Femininity: weakness, emotionality, rational, protected, and private
  • Men, women, and the states they live in generally assign more positive value to masculine characteristics than to feminine ones.

  • These gender dualism also organize and divide social activities between groups of humans


    • Women associate with private sphere → caregivers
    • Men associate with public space → natural breadwinners

Sub-Topics on Feminism