
Basic Information [BBC]

  • Official Name of Country: Republic of the Fiji Islands
  • Capital/Capitals of Country: Suva
  • Continent: Australia
  • Official Languages of Country: English, Fijian, Hindi
  • Is your country part of a Bloc?
    • Leader of the South Pacific region.
    • Does your country hold similar views to other Bloc Members?

Politics and Government

  • Form of Government:
  • Was the country a Colony or a Head of State:
  • Was the country a Colonizer:
  • Current Ruling Parties: Fiji First
    • Led by President Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama (was chief of 2006 military coup)
  • Does Religion Influence Politics? (Theocracy)
  • Is there a Monarchy?
  • Is the Government Independent?
  • Affiliation to Political Organizations?


  • Major Export to Countries:
  • Affiliation to International Organizations
  • GDP & Per Capita:
  • Major Imports from Countries:


  • What are your allies?
    • Similar as a country?
      • Member of country’s Bloc?
    • Is the country a Nuclear Power?
      • Relationship with other Nuclear Powers?
      • Affiliation to Military Organizations?
        • Who are the Members of the Organization?
          • Relationship with other Members?
      • Independent Military from the government
        • Currently in War/In Danger of War?
          • Size of Weapon Arsenal
          • If yes, Who are the involved parties?
            • Who are your:
              • Allies?
              • Enemies
        • If no, Who controls the Military?

International Influence

  • Who are your Country’s Major Opposition?
  • Is your Country a Member of many Organizations? Who are your Country’s Main Allies?
  • When did your Country join the UN?
  • Is your country a regular member of ECOSOC or the Security Council?

Timeline of Historical Events [BBC]

1643 - Dutch explorer Abel Tasman is the first European to visit the islands.

1970 - Independence after a century of British rule.

1987 - The first of two coups overthrows the Indian majority government of Prime Minister Timoci Bavadra.

1999 - Mahendra Chaudhry is elected Fiji’s first ethnic Indian prime minister but is overthown a year later.

2014 - Former military leader Frank Bainimarama is elected prime minister, eight years after seizing power in a coup.
