Armstrong(1982)RiseInternationalOrganisation Chapter One: The United Nations in World Politics

The Cold War (1946-1989)

The end of the Democratic vs. the Communistic of the bipolar super powers created the need of the United Nation’s dealing with Peace and Security, environmental and developmental issues.

The efforts of peacekeepings weren’t of much success as lack of resources and funding from the UN’s members.

The United Nations

What The Vision for The UN was In the Cold War:

Days after WWII, the UN was created with the Charter, which improved on the failed LoN and earlier mechanisms, for many countries’ fear of future conflict and to endorse cooperation.

What the UN really was in the Cold War:

The WW2 great powers (US, USSR, UK, France and China) had rising tension during the founding of UN.

During Cold War:

  • Administering new members were vetoed from the opposide of allies
  • Some issues and conflicts were never brought to the UN at all

The Nuclear Revolution started by the US made the founding of the UN as a forum for discussion of Arms Controls and Disarmament.

During the Cold War, peaceful Decolonization picked up as the UN Charter endorsed the colonial peoples.

The norm changed to look down on imperialism or colonial powers and granting independence were a must.

Group of 77(G-77), formed by 77 former colonies in the UN, concerned itself with the “North-South issues” or “the Rich-Poor issues” fighting for the Newly Independent States.

The North-South Conflict

By the late 60s, UN’s focus was on economic development and relations between the rich North and the poor South. (steered by the G-77)

The (NIEO) made by the G-77 during the 70s polarized the UN system as a whole and caused a divide between the North and South until the 90s.

Integration or Fragmentation


  • Shared interests and vulnerability
  • Communication Revolution
  • Economic liberalism: emphasize the role of private sectors over government in eco. development.
  • Democratization: spread in the 80s and 90s with links to the adoption of economics liberalism.


  • The UN is was not designed to deal with intrastate conflicts, to which no actions an be taken.
  • The Cold War’s end filled new independent states with nationalism and ethnic conflicts

To deal with both consequences is multilateralism: international activities in accordance with shared general principles.

The UN is a , designed to protect states, not biased, and address issues.

Multilateral Diplomacy, in the form of international treaty laws, has spread to states, NGO(s) and other actors in cooperating and addressing human rights, environmental, and political issues.

Contending International Relations Theories

Realists explains during the post WW2 era, States acts as the Unitary actor in the anarchic international system.

IGOs and NGOs, as marginal actors, only reflect interests of their most powerful members, they rely on members willingness to cooperate and their funding.

Liberalism is the more accepted perspective on the era

  • Liberalists sees as actors in the international system.
  • International system filled with interdependence, cooperation and conflict.
  • IOs like UN alter state’s behaviours and interaction with one another by establishing rules
  • The international society consent to common rules and institutions and recognize common identity and “we-ness”