International Human Rights Law

  • Historical Evolution of International Human Rights Law
  • Instruments
  • Why is IHR important? 1
    • attributes-commonality of terms
    • near universality of formal acceptance
    • legitimacy of adoption
    • perceived reflection of international will
    • relative normative precision
    • increased expectations of compliance
    • susceptibility to domestic legal enforcement
    • potential and uncertainty of international enforcement the additional stigma of violation
    • moral clarity”
  • Does International Human Rights Law make a difference in practice? 1
    • Importance of IHR shouldn’t be about if it achieve its goal of eliminating human rights abuses…
      • It should be about if its useful and adding to the utility belt of groups and bodies that can use it.
        • If its valuable or not. If it didn’t exist would it be worse?
    • Development of IHR is still in its infancy. It will show its effectiveness at maturity.
      • At this point it already has shown remarkable change in the world.
    • Context matters: IHR shouldn’t be expected to work in all places at all times.

      Example #d97cb2}

      Dictatorships and Powerful states don’t relent to international pressure and sanctions from abuse of IHR. {



  1. Cassel(2001)DoesInternationalHuman 2