Constitutional History of Syria

(F) Day of the week: Tuesday Created Time: June 8, 2021 3:03 AM Database: Evergreen Database Date: June 8, 2021 3:03 AM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: September 5, 2021 12:23 PM Tags:#Article,#Constitution Type: Literature Notes URL:

  • my takeaway:
    • Syria was/is unstable with many coups happening
    • 1950 constitution seems to be a good one that keeps being restored. why?

  • Many coup changed and restored the constitution many times
    • 1951 coup:
      • dissolved 1950 constitution
      • added new charter
    • 1953 Constitution change
      • president elected by parliament –> president directly elected by population
    • 1954 coup
      • restored 1950 constitution
    • 1958 attempt to join UAR
      • suspended constitutional framework?
    • 1961 coup
      • restored 1950 constitution
    • 1962 coup
      • negotiated amendments in assembly
        • changed name to Syrian Arab Republic
      • constitution replaced briefly
    • 1966, Ba’ath defeated by coup
      • suspended 1964 temp constitution
      • replaced with another temp constitution in 1969