S3M1 Log
Class: IS306 Created Time: June 15, 2021 1:57 PM Database: Class Notes Database Last Edited Time: June 21, 2021 3:30 PM Resulting Materials: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IUOvVwPK4azPQb1MCWbFG0T62DLqbdXoQxdV7Q1ifZM/edit Tags:#COVID-19 Type: Seminar
- all but one is present, 2 are present and voting
- Motion: China motion to set agenda (passed)
- Motion: China motion to open speaker list with 2 minute speaking time (passed)
Speaking list
- US mentions its contributions to COVAX
- Mentions economic crisis as side effect
- Mentions politicization of COVID-19 pandemic
- Violate democratic, freedom, freespeech
- China
- India mention concerns
- looking forward to solve the problem together for world peace and security
- Fiji: economic issue
- Motion Egypt 20 minutes moderated caucus on the current situation of the pandemic
Caucus 1: general discussion of COVID-19 situation
- US main ways to deal with it are
- Essential of PPE
- how to treat the disease: to heavily invest in treatment methods
- how to end the disease: to seek investment and help with COVAX facilities
- UK talks about efficacy rates of vaccines, boasting about itself and its contributions to COVAX
- Urge vaccine industries to spread technology of producing vaccines
- Funding doesn’t help but vaccines does for poorer countries
- Nigeria:
- wants cooperation,
- rich countries help the poor with vaccines and healthcare systems
- China: impact on developing countries is much bigger than rich countries
- call for more vaccine contributions
- Indonesia
- lists statistics of impacts COVID-19 had
- strengthen capacity of health industries for both developed and developing countries
- tech transfer and help like those will help developing countries deal with it better
- Russia: support US in importance of PPE
- vaccines manufacturers to cooperate: exchange of expertise, endurance transparency
- Use of WHO in managing?
- Guatemala:
- lists statistics of virus impacts
- to take immediate actions to ensure safety of people
- vaccination shortage limited to vaccine producing countries
- technology transfer to others
- Australia
- contact tracing, better method testing?
- encourage distribution of vaccination campaigns
- India:
- Internally India has implemented actions to stop spread
- Externally India has helped contributing to other countries
- Urge collective cooperation in multilateral response
- Brazil:
- Korea: had experience with MERS, shared experience and advice to others
- Mask wearing, social distancing
- Business closures
- Contact tracing
- National testing strategies…
- Egypt: coop
- Japan: covid is a threat to all 3 pillars of UN
- set goal of leaving no one’s health behind
- have 3 face: protect people, stop it in the future,
- Protect people live: equitable vaccination, no biasness
Caucus 2: vaccine distribution
- Indonesia motion for 20 minutes moderated caucus 2 min speaking time about vaccine distribution
- US: point out importance of use of COVAX to distribute vaccines
- UK agree with US with cooperation is the only way
- Fiji
- vaccine inequality
- rich have more influence and better access to vaccines
- US response to Fiji: US is working on ways for developing countries to receive these vaccines
- Egypt: wants transfer of technology to increase quantity of vaccines
- Brazil: statistics of inequal vaccines distributions in Africa
- want funding and actions taken for better equality of vaccine distribution
- South Africa: test safety of vaccines first before distributing
- Address G7 countries
- Korea
- Guatemala
- concern on migrants suffering from discrimination?
- avoid criminalization of migrants population
- India
- boasts its vaccines production numbers and contribution
- its cheap vaccines will help with poorer countries
- Nigeria: not enough vaccines in Africa
- Japan: urge work collaboratively
- enhance R&D of vaccine development
- increase supply chain of vaccines
- UK: late shipment and expiration date is an issue
- Reject accusation of efficacy and blood clot issue as false information
- make sure vaccines are transported at proper temperature and conditions
- committed to distributed more this year and next year
- China:
- China signed COVAX vaccine development in Egypt with a facility
- is willing to distribute equally
- Australia:
- Russia:
- developed their own vaccine, already in use in Russia, second is in testing, third is in development
- urge countries to be open to cooperate
Caucus 3: secondary issues
- China: motion for the caucus
- China:
- rise of hate crime against Chinese citizens, call on all to cooperate and reject politicization and conspiracy theories in blaming China and it’s people
- US respond to China: also concerned over racism of Asian Hate
- some (China?) used COVID-19 to justify human rights abuses
- build up of military capacity in conflict zones (China?)
- UK: dunno
- China: these strict measures were required and were effective in keeping the cases low
- US says its not refering to the lock down measures, but other violations of human rights (maybe refering to Uigurs in China)
- US wants to talk about economic recovery plan
- Russia: wants stop of sanctions on poorer countries that hinders their response to the pandemic
- UK
- India: concern on terrorism
- terrorists enduce fear and violence
- social media spread misinformation by terrorists?
- Brazil:
- Guatemala: food security
- encourage world food program
- concern with global economic decline
- South Africa
- social disparity: indigenous, poor are affected worse
- SME are effected strongest
- SMEs are main income of black people and minorities
- bring back employment with vaccination campaigns
Comments from Lecturer
- This time was better as there were no deadlock or awkward silence with procedures
- What to focus on June 29, 2021
- we focused on what we should do, but didn’t mention why we should do that instead of other methods
- Issue of intellectual property is important to be contested for against transfer of vaccine technology to poor countries
- Should find arguments from academic journal instead of opinion pieces from news articles
- Should intellectual property be shared or not
- Focus on the broader arguments and solutions instead of wording errors and interpretation of a clause for 3rd week
- Focus on rejecting or supporting one argument or another with good examples and evidence