Earth Resources

Underground Resources

Precious Metals

  • Only 8 precious metals in the world: $15T worth
    • Platinum: rarest, used in products
    • Silver: coins, circuit boards, solar cells
    • Gold: found every continent
      • Most precious because its not used into anything other than for money
      • Gold never lose its value in financial crises
      • What do we do with gold we mine?
        • 10$ B on gold
        • 60% on jewlery
        • 140$ B just stored in federal reserves
          • India owns the most
        • Dentistry
        • Reflective for sattelite
        • Electronic devices
        • Biggest gold miners
          • China
          • Australia
          • US
        • 1/4 of gold still isn’t mined


  • Rock endures for a long time
    • Sandstone
    • Granite: most beautiful than stone, hardest rock on earth $85T
      • Mount Rushmore
      • Stone Heng
      • Empire State Building
      • 42% of all construction stone
      • $500B tons
    • Limestone: softer than granite, versitile $8T
      • Highways, driveways, asphalt
      • Good mineral for your health consumption, toothpaste
      • $7/ton
      • Who: Spain India China Brazil

Base Metals

  • Base Metals $135T
    • Zinc: protective coating for other metals
    • Copper: made coins, conductive electronic equipments
    • Iron: almost all the Earth’s core is iron $109T
      • Steel: made from iron + carbon, spread industrial revolution
        • Built sky scrapers and higher buildings
        • Can be recycled endlessly, with no corrosion

Precious Stones

  • Precious Stones:
    • Gemstones:
      • Diamonds
        • Industrial use: diamond tipped drills, surgical sharpest tools, prevent overheating in micro-electronic products
        • Jewlery use
        • Australia, Congo, Russia
        • Price depends on
          • Cutting, polishing
          • Clarity, shine

Rare Earth Elements

  • Rare Earth elements: $24T
    • James Webs Telescope: use metals that works in near 0 kelvin temperatures
    • Problem: only small amount of places have enough rare earth concentration to mine
      • Brazil
      • India
      • China: 97.3% of all rare earth mined

Fossil Fuels

  • Fossile Fuels: remains of dead plants and animals compressed by heat and pressure in Earth’s crust for millions of years $716T
    • Crude oil: dense amount of energy stored
      • Used as Gasoline
      • Versitility: used in many things like fast food, soap, asprine
      • Saudi Arabia is biggest producer, Russia, US
      • US is biggest oil consumer
    • Shale Oil: oil in rocky cliffs that are hard to extract

Natural on land resources


  • Timber is very valuable because it is useable for many things
    • 400B trees on earth as $269T
    • 80 year old trees 1000$ each
    • 80k a day felling
    • Who
      • US
      • India
      • China
    • Environmental Impacts
    • Trees are replanted when cut down
      • Enviromental replanting also helps the logging industry


  • Food
    • Meat
    • Crops
      • Wheat
      • Rice
      • Corn: has starch, corn oil, and corn fluids
    • Seafood
      • Fish: 142M tons a year
        • Norway
        • Thailand


  • Water:
    • Most are salt water or ice caps
    • Fresh Water: Lakes, most are Ground Water (difficult to reach)
    • Most of Water’s price is the cost of transferring it to people
      • Accessibility

Geopolitics and Involvement with IR

  • Scarcity makes conflict
    • Economic insecurity -> political insecurity
    • Geopolitical control of resources to infuence other states
  • A super power must have access to these resources and able to restrict access to the rest of the world
  • Why did US invade Iraq and not Saudi Arabia?
    • Company created years ago in partner between US and Saudi Arabia that is already exploiting the resources


  1. 2022-05-09’s documentary for IS409