How to write a policy recommendation?

Created Time: June 25, 2021 8:53 PM Database: Evergreen Database Last Edited Time: July 14, 2021 1:02 AM Tags:#Public-Policy,#Research Type: Literature Notes URL:

a policy recommendation document provides

  • a briefing note
  • a more in-depth analysis of the options
  • a policy recommendation.


  • Issue: brings up why this issue matter and should be addressed
  • Recommendation: usually multiple things recommended (presented before the analysis)
  • Analysis: side info that guided you to the decisions presented in the recommendation.
    • What were the alternative options?
    • How was the proposed one better?
    • Background factors to arrive to this conclusion

Follows structure of a problem solving

  • identify and clarify the policy issue
  • research relevant background and context
  • identify the alternatives
  • carry out required consultations
  • select the best policy option
  • prepare policy recommendation document for approval