China’s Trillion Dollar Plan | Vox
Created Time: October 2, 2021 1:59 PM Database: Evergreen Database Last Edited Time: October 3, 2021 5:51 PM Tags:#Video Type: Literature Notes URL:
Summary of main points
- The Belt and Road Initiative is not just a economic strategy to get rich, its also a political strategy to set up navel bases along important maritime trade routes.
- China funds foreign projects while requiring the use of China’s own construction company, therein putting its investment back in its economy rather than the host country.
- China is building a ‘String of Pearls’ along the Indian ocean to gain economic, security, and geo-political control of waters in the East.
Highlights and Notes
China requires that the projects it fund through the BRI, bust involve construction companies from its country.
- Means construction money goes back into China’s economy instead of foreign companies.
BRI is a trap because it’s willing to lend money to unreliable countries
- Corruption and conflicts in these countries make them less likely to pay back
Its not just for economic benefits
Ex: Sri Lanka let China fund building its port.
- Sri Lanka can’t pay back, it gave the port the China for 99 years
- Pakistan also have a 40 years lease
- China wants to create a string of navel bases to guard the shiping routes in the Indian ocean
- US during Trump office neglected Asia and lost influence to China