IS410 Diplomacy Theory and Practice


The Foreign MinistryFebruary 16, 2022
Pre-NegotiationsMarch 02, 2022
Around-the-Table NegotiationsMarch 09, 2022
Diplomatic NegotiationMarch 23, 2022
Packaging AgreementMarch 23, 2022
Follow UpMarch 30, 2022
TelecommunicationApril 27, 2022
EmbassyMay 10, 2022
ConsulateMay 18, 2022
ConferenceJune 15, 2022
SummitJune 15, 2022

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Text Books

  • DTAP-Diplomacy theory and practice By Geoff Berridge

  • SAPPS-Strategy in Asia Past and Present Strategic Culture By Blumenthal

  • Final Exam: covers chapter 1 to 12

    1. Analytical Questions: 3 or 4 questions. Can come from different chapters each
    2. Critical Thinking Question: requires knowledge from all chapters
      • Do exactly as instructed in the questions
      • If they ask for something and the reason why
      • Be precise, not vague
      • Lect will know if you actually understand the topic or not, don’t try and pose
      • Include critical judgement, look at topic from all point of views. Don’t be an activist/extremist. Discuss both sides.
        • Show your critical engagement with the topic, not one-sided
  • Writing style:

    • If you’re describing a challenge to something, you need to explain exactly in what way it is stopping that thing from happening
      • Why does the challenge exist
      • Why is that thing a challenge?
  • Quiz IS407 2022-06-19 on chapter 12