Tasks due today
"name": "Todoist", "filter": "2022-06-16"
Critical Thinking Questions
- Multilateral order: influential actors in the world are states Realist Institutionalism
- Multiplex order: states and non-state actors are important Liberalism
- Sphere of influence international system Structural Realism
- Great power rivalry
- China: SEA, central, and South Asia, Africa
- US: Indo-Pacific, Middle-East
- Russia: Eastern Europe, Middle-East, Central Asia
- Australia: SEA, connected interest with US
- Japan: how did it shape regional order
- Great power rivalry
- Which one of these is the world shifting to? Most likely?
- Global geopolitical uncertainties
- Discussions in UN
- External shock, economic recession, Corrupt tourist industries, lockdown during COVID-19 (China, Cambodia), impact of COVID on tourism industry
External and Internal factors that influence Cambodia’s FP
Vulnerable & external threats
The “3 No’s Policy” of Cambodia:
- No intervention from outside
- No foreign military base in Cambodia
- No military pact
Economic diplomacy
Cultural diplomacy
Public diplomacy
Peace diplomacy: from the win-win policy’s success
- Women and children’s role in society is part of it
Digital diplomacy: cyber space advertisement, promotion, propaganda
Dealing with multilateral issues like COVID-19, not just sticking with China
Climate change