Security Dilemma 1 §
- Is a concept from Structural Realism, where Kenneth Waltz says states must increase power to gain security
- But end it ends up making other states less secure
- Security Dilemma is the difficult choice states have to make between choosing to continue building their power and stopping.
- As the International System being anarchic the structure forces states to build power or become extinct. However, no matter the choice, it always end in war.
- States A cannot stay in one place or risk being invaded by state B who builds up their power.
- State B will take an opportunity to take out their enemy (State A)
- No matter what you choose to do you will be end with the bad result of War
Small States §
- Small States are more vulnerable in the Anarchical international system
- Due to their inferior capabilities to produce security solely through internal measures
- Small states can’t increase their security through their own actions
- They get security through larger powers: either balancing, neutrality, alliance, or Shelter Theory
- Structure of IS is the main factor, not what small states do themselves
- Therefore, according to Waltz, small states must
- bandwagon with great powers
- Balancing: build alliance with smaller states
References §