
  1. Why is ‘postcolonialism’ as a phenomenon difficult to define and pinpoint as a single theoretical tradition?
  2. What is the author’s definition of postcolonialism?
  3. What are some of the goals and agendas of postcolonialism?
  4. How does postcolonialism approach ‘truth’ and ‘knowledge’?
  5. Discuss the postcolonial critique of Immanuel Kant and subsequent theories based upon the work of this theorist.
  6. What is the postcolonial objection to ‘human rights’ as a ‘universal value’?
  7. How does Said’s book Orientalism illustrate and elucidate the relationship between Europe and the East?
  8. Describe the relationship between Orientalism and the discourses on terrorism including ‘the War on Terror’.
  9. How does postcolonialism’s response to the Non-Proliferation Treaty illustrate its opinion about Western ideas of international morality and law?
  10. What is the significance of the internationalization of the Suez Canal for postcolonialism?
  11. What is the postcolonial approach to the future?
  12. Compare the approaches of liberal internationalism, constructivism, and postcolonialism.