Presentation Preparation


  1. Background

    Transclude of Picture-of-Donald-Trump

    Picture of Donald Trump

    • The 2016 Election was Divisive
    • His administration is even more divisive

    His approval was at it’s lowest at 34% at end of admin.

    His approval was at it’s lowest at 34% at end of admin.

    • Research Objective
      • What is the foreign policy approach of Donald Trump?
      • How does Donald Trump’s foreign policy approach differ from other democrats and republican presidents?
    • Hypothesis
      1. Donald Trump is a unusual phenomenon that doesn’t represent partisan divide and he was a Populist and isolationist president.
      2. Trump and Obama’s Foreign Policy both employed a specific type of retrenchment that could preserve at the same time, both American forces and their stand as an exceptional power in the eyes of the international community
    • Literature Review
      • The Trump Divide and Partisan Attitudes Regarding US Foreign Policy: Select Theoretical and Empirical Observations
        • Trump’s foreign policy is only popular with 21% of 2016 voters
        • Voter’s opinions are closer to party leader than core policy position of party itself
        • Trump voters prefer unilateral and isolationist approach
        • Mainstream voters support multilateral approach
      • Changes in the American Foreign Policy: From Obama to Trump
        • Obama had retrechment approach to foreign policy through strategic deliberation
        • Trump still put America first, but through isolationist program