Human Rights

[!To Process]

  • Human Rights can change be flexible and change over generations and time periods accoring to rising international norms
    • Society advance and complex issues have arisen gradually => evolution
    • Conficts, cosical and economic failure, data surveillance come in the spotlight one at a time
    • Social media, Facebook, Twitter: free speech
    • COVID-19 Rights to get vaccinated, freedom of movement in lockdown…

Three Generations of Human Rights

1st Generation of Rights (Negative Rights)

right to not be subjected to something by another person

  • Civil Rights: protect against abuse of power (live)
  • Political Rights: Participate in control of state power (vote, speech, association)

2nd Generation of Rights (Positive Rights)

  • Economic rights: rights to work
  • Social rights: education
  • Cultural rights

3rd Generation of Rights (Collective Rights)

Minority rights:

  • self-determination
  • safe environment
  • peace