Meeting for Exploration 3

(F) Day of the week: Friday Class: TED-Ed Created Time: January 29, 2021 7:47 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: January 29, 2021 7:47 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:42 AM

January 29, 2021

2:00 Warm Up Activity

Physical Exercise?

Review (5mn)

  • What is passion? (ask each other)

Activity 1: (10mn)

  • Draw a picture of house/animal
  • Pick a partner
  • Give feedback to each other about one another’s drawing

2:15 The Art of Feedback (15mn)

There are multiple types of feedback

Complimentative but, unspecific, and unhelpful

Hurtful, unspecific, and unhelpful

Complimentative, specific, and valuable

Negative but specific and helpful feedback

2:30 Sandwich feedback (10mn)

Go back and look at your partner’s feedback

  • Categorize each of their feedback

A sandwich feedback

  • Positive feedback: for encouragement
  • Constructive Criticism: desired changes
  • Positive Feedback: appreciation of work/recap positives


Random paper of feedbacks and construct a sandwich feedback?

2:40 Break (10mn)

Might be shifted to the end of the exploration as the flow of the session is problematic.

2:50 Game (10 mn)

Activity 2: Should be right after the lesson on ‘The Art of Feedback

Online quiz

  • 3 winners

3:00 Main Session Outcome (5mn)

The importance of feedback

How to do it effectively?

3:05 Wrap Up (5mn)

Ends at 3:10?


  • January 30, 2021 9:00 AM-12:00 PM training by public speaker
  • One person do one category of feedback (PC or EL team?)