PAI-C04: The Politics of Oceans and Money: Historical Overview

Created Time: October 30, 2021 2:56 PM Database: Evergreen Database Last Edited Time: October 30, 2021 4:38 PM Type: Reading Notes

  • Keywords
    • Issue Areas: When the governments active on a set of issues see them as closely interdependent, and deal with them collectively, we call that set of issues an issue area
  • During the Pax Britanica Britain held most the navel supremacy
    • Other states didn’t object because Britain served their mutual interest fairly equally
  • International monetary and oceans issues chosen as focus because they showed the most differences since WW1 through the model of analysis
    • Money: interconnected, multi-issued, and linked functionally
    • Oceans: involve the use of navy force more
  • What is the problem with defining ‘Issue’?
    • Issues are defined subjectively
    • only policy makers and policy influencers’ opinion matters
  • Issues are defined subjectively ⇒ Issue Areas are subjective as well
    • Ocean issue area exist because they are to be considered collectively
    • Money is only functionally connected and management of a state’s money isn’t a collective decision
      • not true monetary issue area exist. But how?

The International Monetary Issue Area

Richard Cooper takes the major dimensions of an international monetary regime to be:

  1. the role of exchange rates
  2. the nature of the reserve asset(s)
  3. the degree of control of international capital movements.

problems of liquidity, adjustment, and confidence