Afghanistan Conflict Brief and Theoretical Perspectives

Group 2 Members

  1. Chea Resan
  2. Meng Molikannan
  3. Nuon Puthisoptey
  4. Sim Sovachana

IS404 Video Project Preparation

  • generate mechanisms that can lead to positive peace in the conflict

  • War in Afghanistan

  • 10-20 minutes long

  • Scope

    • 1992 Taliban control before US’s involvement to 2021
    • Topic Scope
      • Taliban takeover
      • Fundamentalism
      • US 2001 invasion
        • cases & consequences
      • US staying in Afghanistan
      • Taliban reemergence in 2006


  • Topic: Consequence of Taliban’s extreme ideology on International Community
    • How Taliban changed its image projection to be more of a legitimate government than 1992
      • Taliban’s interest for lift of sanctions, international recognition,
  • Introduction (Tey)
    • Background: brief overview of the conflict
    • Research Questions & Objectives
  • Body
    • basic info about conflict
      • Causes & effects
      • parties
      • dynamics: evolution of the conflict
      • consequences
    • Apply theories from lessons in the case: why actors do certain things (Resan)
    • What conflict mechanisms were tried (Sovachana)
      • Bargaining: Kabul-Taliban, Taliban-Int’Community dialogue
    • Possible mechanisms: transform structural issues relationships, conflicting interests of parties (Kannan)
      • Recommend policies for international community to take to lessen instability in Taliban’s rule
  • Conclusion
    • Summary
    • Personal reflection focusing on cost and consequences
    • Implication of study
  • References

  • Depends on P5’s decision on whether Taliban is legitimate or not
    • Subtle diplomacy?
    • Informal discussion, exchange of information before formal conference
      • Discussion of how they can work together
  • Good office from regional organization or IOs can be the mechanism
  • Direct engagement between Afghanistan government & Taliban can also be used
    • Discussion of how to control state’s situation

IS404 Video Project Research Video Clips References [[assets/Chapter Presentation [[assets/Chapter Presentation [[How to Identify and Assess a Foreign Policy by Jean-Frdric Morin Jonathan Paquin/Preparation/Presentation Preparation|assets/Chapter Presentation [[assets/Chapter Presentation Presentation Preparation Chea Resan Nuon Puthisoptey Subtitles

Lessons Analysis @Chea Resan

Presentation Preparation


Video Clips References

introduction @Nuon Puthisoptey

IS404 Video Project Research