🇪🇹 Is Ethiopia hurtling towards all-out ethnic conflict? | Al Jazeera

(F) Day of the week: Friday Created Time: June 11, 2021 10:59 PM Database: Evergreen Database Date: June 11, 2021 Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: September 19, 2021 11:08 AM Tags:#Civil-Conflict,#Humanitarian-Issue,#PROCESSED,#Video Type: Literature Notes URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jq2yBHy3Qk

Al Jazeera

  • Cause: Because the crackdown on the OLA by the government, who betrayed them, the OLA retaliated demanding autonomy and interdependence from a federal state (Ethiopia )
  • Response: The government turns a blind eye to and normalize the killings without finding justice. They put on ineffective state of emergencies and essentially made Ethiopia a failed state
  • Solutions:
    • Ethiopian people should be the one deciding Ethiopia’s future, not a prime minister or political party and all ethnic groups should be represented equally not just one ethnic group.
    • To fix this, the system of Tigray People’s Liberation Front , where Amharas are second class citizens if they are not in their ethnic region, should be thrown out. [1]
    • National dialogue between OLA and government and between ethnic groups must happen to stop ethnic discrimination and genocide.

Highlights and Notes

  • Humanitarian crisis in Western Ethiopia: targeted attacks against Amaha ethnics by Oromo Libertion Army (OLA?)
    • 250 killed, many displaced
    • Genocide going on
    • government had to step in to help Amhara army
  • Why are they killing Amharas indiscriminately?
    • Source: Because of launch of military crackdown on the OLA caused retaliation
    • Argument: there has been no evidence that they are attacked simply because they were Amharas
      • Different groups like the government and Amharas have different vision on what Ethiopia should be
        • Federal multinational state
        • centralized system of government
    • The TPLF and OLF are creating ethnic conflicts between Amharas and Oromos to destabilize the country to capture power
  • Oromos believe they are their own nation and want autonomy and independence (as said by a commander of OLA-West)
    • Argues that Ethiopia is getting worse
      • Governmental actions like state of emergencies doesn’t do anything
      • “Ethiopia is a failed state”
  • It’s clear the government isn’t finding justice for people responsible for the killings
    • leaders not issuing statements or mention killings
    • Normalizing events of mass killings
  • Is the conflicts/instability because of the bad transition of power?
    • Yes, the last election or leader betrayed their winning party (Oromo) and tried to make his own vision of Ethiopia
  • How to solve this?
    • the TPLF’s system should go along with the party
    • Amharas shouldn’t be second class citizens if they’re not living in their ethnic region
    • The future of Ethiopia should be dicided by the people, not by a political party or Prime minister
      • All Ethnic groups should be represented equally. If only amharas are represented in future Ethiopia it will create more conflicts than now
    • Need a national dialogue
  • The Tigray People’s Liberation Front is not in power any more

