Chapter 4: Domestic Politics and War

(F) Day of the week: Wednesday Class: IS203 Created Time: January 8, 2020 3:51 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: January 8, 2020 3:51 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:42 AM Type: Presentation Notes

  • Content

National Vs Particularistic Interests

  • General Interest: most or all actors in a country shares the same interest

Ex: physical security, economic well-being

  • Narrow or Particularistic interests: interests shared by a small group of actors in a country.

Ex: Capitalistic Companies

Interactions, Institutions, and Influence

3 Kinds of Actors

  • Leaders: make foreign policy
  • Groups: influence leaders decisions
    1. Bureaucratic Actor: military…
    2. Interests Groups: have same goal to make change to benefit their group
  • General Public

Wars abroad to hold power at home

1982 Argentina and Britain war

Invaded nearby islands

  • Imbalance between two states
  • not valuable

Argentina thought military conflicts is best option

1. What leaders want

  • Interests for nation and them
  • Responsive to voters’ issues

2. The Rally Effect and the Diverionary Incentive

  • Rally Effect: international or national crisis causing nationalism and support for political leaders

  • Diversionary Incentive: causing conflict or crisis for public support

    Ex: Argentina causing conflict with Britian for support


Scholars found little evidence that leaders resort to force when in trouble

4. Political Costs of War

Domestic political cost

Ex: Vietnam War: Johnson lost respect from people after starting war.

War to satisfy military or Interest Groups

Military-industry complex: industries that benefits from war and conflicts

1. Bureaucratic


2. Interest Groups

  • Economic Motives: actors (companies & industries) incomes depend on events in country.

Ex: Iraq War: oil industry wanted more oil

  • Ethnic Ties: ideologies and ethnics cause actors to support or oppose other states.

3. Small groups influence on policy

  • military controls big portion of resources

    intervine in politics to make sure balance of power

  • Leaders rely on small groups

Why Democracies dont Fight one another

“Democratic Peace: mature democratic states don’t fight each other”

1. Representation, Accountability, and Interests

“The easiest thing in the world to do is declare war”

  • Representative Institution: decisions are made shared with the election
  • Accountability: democratic leaders have consequences for wrong doings

2. Democracy and Bargaining Interaction

  • Institutions influence bargaining
  • Democratic Systems:
    • Transparent: open and observable
  • Non-Democratic System:
    • More Privacy, closed door, less transparent
    • Less free speech, social media

3. Domestic Institutions or Strategic Interests

  • Economic Development: development happens faster with democracy
  • Common Enemies: of communistic countries

World of Democracy is world of Peace?

  • Break down of democracy: democracy could fall apart by mismanagement