Plastic Waste: 3rd Meeting

(F) Day of the week: Monday Class: IS208 Created Time: June 22, 2020 2:00 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: June 22, 2020 2:00 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:42 AM Type: Simulation

Topic: Collective Response to the Waste Issue

1st Motion

Thailand Propose 30 minute formal Debate


Propose launch of an Action Plan

  • Organize workshop
  • Work on public awareness of plastic waste
  • Encourage reusable alternatives


  • Myanmar: Agrees with Vietnam

    Propose more cost effective and environmentally friendly life style

    • Paper bags…
  • The Philippines: Agrees with Vietnam & Myanmar

  • Cambodia: promotion of education of plastic waste and information sharing

  • Vietnam:

    • to set up framework to execute the plan
    • cooperate with non-government
  • Indonesia: educate and raise awareness through art…

  • Singapore:

    • events at schools and public to raise awareness
    • adverts on recycling
    • app with useful recycling information/guide
  • Thailand

  • Myanmar: urge legal regulations to clean national environments

  • Malaysia


no plastic bags policy, implemented in Brunei


  • The Philippines
  • Cambodia: taking first steps in reducing plastic bags usage


  • Myanmar: no plastic bags is too drastic
    • Should reduce the use of plastic every single year


Promote environmentally friendly products


  • Vietnam



  • Refuse
  • Reduce
  • Reuse
  • Recycle


Using celebrities and social media for publicity and raise awareness of plastic waste

2nd Motion

Indonesia extend formal debate for 20 minutes


The use of mobile application

|2007: signed by involving parties

My ENV: Raise awareness of the environment through games


  • Vietnam: coordinate with mass media also


  • Cambodia: to share those modern technologies for less developed countries through exchange programs
  • Laos: lower-middle also require the sharing of information
  • Singapore: support Cambodia

Propose the stoppage of using plastic straw


Give Incentive to reduce plastic use

The Philippines

Educate people to separate waste to make it easier for collector


To educate and encourage the youth to stand up for environmental movements

3rd Motion

The Philippines 20 minutes formal debate on legally binding laws on environment


laws in regards to air, water, or land pollutions


  • Singapore: should carry out waste statistics
  • Laos: to create a regional international law to management


  • Myanmar: to have laws but should focus on Economic growth first through environmental policies instead

4th Motion

Thailand raise motion of formal debate for 20 minute


ask for suggestion on what to do about plastic waste


  • Thailand: to promote education awareness, framework to handle waste output
  • The Philippines: ask for cooperation with firms on environmentally or reusable packaging
  • Cambodia: to change people’s behaviors to replace plastic use with biodegradable or reusables
  • Singapore: agrees with Cambodia, should find alternatives to plastic, encourage reusables
  • Vietnam: more restrictions, tax, fines
  • Cambodia: response to Myanmar, people’s behavior is the main problem that produce that waste

5th Motion

Cambodia: informal debate for 20 minutes


  • Raise awareness
  • Ask for technology and information sharing
  • no thank you policy
  • adapted plan for CLMV group